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Lily Allen

edited July 2006 in General chat
This has been bugging me.

Have you ever seen a photo of the slack-jawed nepotistic sugababes reject with her mouth closed?

It simply doesn't happen. What effect is she trying to achieve?


  • edited 9:57AM
    Maybe she's Posh Spice's nemisis, as she never had a photo with her mouth not closed/smiling. Probably just something to do with a take on their 'best side', so Lilly looks like she ate too many pies with her mouth closed, and posh looking like twat with her mouth open. sort of thing.
  • edited 9:57AM
    OK. This is starting to look a bit obsessive, but the following quote has really been bugging me: [times article](,,2088-2281366,00.html) _“I spent the first nine years of my life in a council flat eating spaghetti on toast. My mum would be on the phone begging my dad for money,” Allen said. “So, yeah, my mum knew Anthony Minghella. We’d sit there at a premiere with Gwyneth Paltrow. Mum’d get paid to do one job, but it had to last a long time: mortgage, tax and three kids’ school fees.”_ Now I know there's a long tradition of posho types becoming rock stars by pretending to be "wahking clarse" (The Rolling Stones stamina when it comes to drugs and touring comes from early morning runs and cold showers at inhospitable public shools), but _really_.....
  • LizLiz
    edited 9:57AM
    She's also adopted the other low cost publicity stunt of slagging off other famous people on her website - how 'controversial'. Like Madonna gives a flying fuck what Lily Allen thinks. Still quite like the single though.
  • edited 9:57AM
    See, I don't really like anything about her. The accent sounds mockney, the single like a poor mans Lyndy Layton and then you've got that slack-jawed thing still going on in this morning's metro.
  • edited 9:57AM
    "Mortgage, tax and school fees" 1. If she was in a council flat, she wouldn't have been paying a mortgage. 2. What a list! She's such a little proto-Tory.
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