Haringey or Islington?

edited November 2006 in Local discussion
<img src="http://www.haringey.gov.uk/logo_haringey_council.gif" width=170> or <img src="http://www.islington.gov.uk/images/islington_logo.gif" width=170>

Simple enough. Which side is better? Please state your arguments for or against.

On the Islington side we have 0207 phone numbers, hot and cold running water and less than 35 stabbings per 1,000 residents. What have you got on the yellow side?


  • edited 4:12PM
    I listened to a very strange piece of music where alan moore spoke about pretty random things. At one point he says something like "Whatever happened to Highbury? Now everyone claims to live in Islington"

    Warren Ellis spoke of Alan Moore's spliffs were as "big as chairlegs"
  • edited 4:12PM
    My experience with getting a skip at short notice and being able to get my parents car in the area for a few hours without racking up a sizable debt to the courts has to go in Haringey's favour. Are the shops on either side split between the boroughs?
  • edited 4:12PM
    plus, recycling is pretty good on our side as well.
  • edited 4:12PM
    ...by the way, 'our side' means Haringey
  • edited 4:12PM
    It's Haringey for me. We have 0207 numbers too and the houses and streets between U. Tollington Road and Stapleton Hall Rd much more attractive. Closer to the park too...
  • edited 4:12PM
    I meant Upper Tollington Park ^^ and the best pub 'Fullback' is in Haringey too :)
  • edited 4:12PM
    Oh, we only have 2 votes so far....
  • edited 4:12PM
    Hmm. Fullback. Good call.

    I'm pretty sure the line runs down Stroud Green Road. So that gives Islington all the restaurants, Woody's and a couple of delis.

    Haringey gets the Sunshine Cafe, a couple of nail bars and a Dixy Chicken.

    No contest.
  • edited November 2006
    You're missing out Petek, Triangle, Home, Londis, Threshers, the Parkland Walk and the cycle park outside the station. And my recycling doesn't end up in a [landfill in Indonesia](http://susannelamido.blogspot.com/2005/12/islington-how-did-recycled-waste-ended.html). Four Eyes, you need to vote by clicking above, mere words won't silence Overlord Andy Martin.
  • edited November 2006
    ....and the Larrik
  • edited November 2009
  • edited November 2006
    <http://www.stroudgreen.org/comments.php?DiscussionID=211>; Liz has been conducting a survey on this very subject, through the honourably scientific method of asking cab drivers. Ask a cabby to take you to Finsbury Park and you get dropped off in Blackstock Road. Doug's view (as I remember) was that the centre of "Stroud Green" was the Old Dairy/Larrik crossroads. The bit you've described is the Stroud Green council ward. By that definition, west of SGR should be called "Tollington", but no-one says that. For all that, most of the time I say I live in Finsbury Park.
  • edited 4:12PM
    Former Stroud Green Station, now the railway bridge carrying the Parkland Walk, that's got to be the centre of SG.

    On the Camden Road is the road going to Camden argument, where do we stand on Florence Road? Or Lancaster Road for that matter? These things were never easy.
  • edited 4:12PM
    so, top of Florence Rd would classify as Stroud Green???
  • edited November 2006
    No, that would be Florence, according to Four Eyes. You now have to use the native term: *via Firenze*
  • edited November 2009
  • edited 4:12PM
    I would like to point out i voted
    beginning to think i shouldn't have now
  • edited 4:12PM
    I can retract your vote if you so wish Pete.
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:12PM
    Now, I may be in a unique position having lived in both boroughs (Islington now, Harringey a few years ago, albeit in South Tottenham). Although there are some terrible things about Islington (speed bumps and CPZ being uppermost amongst them), I'm definitely happier on this side of the border. Harringey were inefficient at the most basic things (rubbish, recycling, billing you council tax effectively) and were also more expensive by quite a long way, which surely has to be a deciding factor. I've used quite a lot of Islington services, like the bulky rubbish collection, car collection, planning office, etc and they've generally been pretty good.
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:12PM
    Also, the debate about what's included on both sides seems to be missing the bleeding obvious: we've got Islington proper (the area, not the borough) and you've got Tottenham. Case closed.
  • edited November 2006
    **I've used quite a lot of Islington services** May I point out you don't own a car. A quick shortcut to satisfaction with Islington Council.
  • edited November 2006
    hmm, not agreeing Liz, You list _rubbish, recycling, billing you council tax effectively_ as poor in Harringey but these are all good. Maybe they weren't when you were here but they sure are now. They even call me back or reply to my emails, something Islington never did for me while I was in that side. Citing _Islington proper_ - a long road full of chains 15 mins drive away (traffic permitting) is neither relevant to Stroud Green nor really clear in value. What does _Islington proper_ actually mean? I could probably cite _we can get out of London towards Ipswich 2 minutes quicker_ and have just as much relevance.
  • edited 4:12PM
    Ha - the claws have come out. David's getting aggressive because we mentioned the fact that he lives in the borough with Tottenham in it and we live in the borough with Arsenal in it. Game over.
  • edited November 2006
    Not at all. You can have the travelling hords of football supporters going to a game. I'm happy to visit from the other side. We have _Stroud Green proper_.
  • edited 4:12PM
    You don't believe that for a second, Spurs-borough-boy.
  • edited 4:12PM
    By that thinking Andy, you should be living in Swindon.
  • edited 4:12PM
    That's true, but I wouldn't EVER live in Oxford though.

    Oh. Hold on.
  • edited November 2009
  • LizLiz
    edited 4:12PM
    David and Andy, were you sitting next to each other drunk in Andy's flat when you posted that lot?
  • edited 4:12PM
    I'm with David on the recycling, etc in Harringey. Have only lived here a couple of mths, but am very impressed so far - seems a very good service (or so Lucy tells me!).

    Now, can I be somewhat controversial and say bring on CPZ to my road! I have a car and I would like (maybe just once) to park it outside my house. Oh no, I can't because some lazy twat who doesn't live in the area, but has decided to drive to the tube, has parked his piece of shit banger outside my house.......

    Sorry. Rant over!
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