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Linda Grant on the Labour Party in Crouch End


  • I saw this earlier on and thought: I'll bet she doesn't mention <a href="">that leaflet</a> that cast a slur on Lynne Featherstone about the Go Home vans.<div><br></div><div>I just scan read it as it is very long (the point obviously of the Long Read).</div><div>Was slightly interesting, but seemed to me to inadvertently put its finger on why Labour lost the election and people are tired of the political class. </div><div>It told a tale that seemed obsessed with politics itself, rather than the ordinary people that MPs stand for and their concerns and what the local party found out about them and how it helped them and what it can do for them in the future.</div><div>I am probably judging it unfairly as it is about grass roots politics, but I certainly felt no connection.</div>
  • That's true - it made for a nice story, but quite an insular one. <br>
  • Very insular, I think much of mainstream politics feels that way to people at the moment but especially Labour.<div><br></div><div>As an aside, this whole Long Read thing is quite an interesting concept. I quite like the quiet long form movement that's bubbling away - it's even more interesting with audio and video online, I think.</div>
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