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  • Scruffy
    Bleagh! Flamingo tastes ‘orrible!
    March 24
  • geog_research
    Hi, I am doing a geography research project for a level about the Finsbury Park redevelopment and wondered if you could answer some questions. It would be a great help if you could!

    2) how long have you been a resident?
    I am a previous resident I am not a resident 0-5 years 5-10 years 10-15 years 15 years or more

    3) If not, what would you say you use the area for (name all that apply)
    Transport Work Shopping Culture Sport Outdoor activities Other

    4) In your opinion, what word or phrase best describes Finsbury park?

    5) How could Finsbury park be improved?
    Better infrastructure More efficient tube station More shops/ leisure activities Other (please say)

    6) What would you say is the best feature of Finsbury park?

    7) Do you feel safe in the area? (on a scale from 1 to 10)

    8) Do you feel the area is very polluted?
    Somewhat Yes No

    9) Do you feel the area is overcrowded?
    Somewhat Yes No

    10) How would you rate finsbury park?(1-10)
    June 2017