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  • Not that I necessarily think the above is a desirable state of affairs, but how often do people really use cash machines these days? 
  • Meh, different strokes I s'pose.
  • I'm slightly amazed you all know who these people are...
  • Possibly unhelpful & definitely clichéd, but… First they came for Chang, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an absolute idiot. Then they came for KK, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an occasional XXXXXXXXXXX. Then th…
    in Changes Comment by Perflexed June 2014
  • more generally speaking, was/is Chang (N4N6 etc) really a Troll? s/he/it is/was lots of things besides that, and although one should never refer to them directly, lest it encourages their nefarious activities, C'N4'6 added something surely? Even tho…
    in Changes Comment by Perflexed June 2014
  • Also, when the little bird has hopefully made it's safe exit - don't just block up your chimney again, that draught is helping to prevent rot and damp developing, which, if it does, will eventually attract less desirable lifeforms.
  • Bloody Romans! etc.
  • I'm not sure I even understood that link… is it a chicken eating competition, or does one watch others eat chicken? Is chicken definitely involved? Feeling old & confused. Has anybody seen Marjorie?
  • @Misscara</a>. Yup, I think I played it years ago at some village festival just outside Sheffield, can't remember the name of the place now (W.. something). I merely included the ludicrous image because of the inference that 'it were right…
  • @<a href="">Natashasly. In some circles that would be called a bargain. But that was kind of my point, for all the money made by this deal they lacked the foresight/were too tight to provid…
  • Not all London is manky (granted those least manky parts are even more cunty than the council), and whilst I wouldn't want London to resemble Hertfordshire, I don't want it to be a literal or figurative toilet either. Our parks were conceived of as …
  • Misscara, en famille. It's basically analogue Candy Crush.
  • @ADGS.The curious thing is that this happens even when there isn't any disagreement, I am actually in broad agreement with his views, especially on housing. It seems that there is just a lot of frustration that spills over into anger and bitterness,…
  • Dude, just check out my other posts, easy to do, and see if they resonate with ben/arky, and I suspect my punctuation is a good deal poorer too. Sometimes, a cigar is just that.
  • By the time you are 40 you will have pooped your own weight, in poo, by a factor of 62.
  • No not the LibDem guy but thx for all the insults. ….Bed time?  Maybe? 
  • Agreed. I was looking for something to do tomorrow anyway.
  • Oh! FFS I was trying to bring some levity to a grim reality, and for what it's worth, I don't have a TV either, nor as it would seem, a fridge packed with tins of lager. 
  • Oops! I meant Disraeli, easy mistake.
  • As far as Working class aspiration goes, I think Simon Cowell perceived it perfectly-  as if a sculptor would, "the angel within the block of marble". As far as the rest of this thread goes you may as well rail against the tide. I agree it's depress…
  • I've always wondered about the copper thing, do you think pennies and tuppence pieces would work as deterrents? They are pretty much worthless these days as actual money, often worth no more than a couple of pence. 
  • In the mean time, until you get things established, don't forget the very satisfying option of growing some tomatoes, beans etc. Very inexpensive & very rewarding too, all you need is seeds, grow-bags, bamboo, time & attention. Very little t…
  • Funny lookin' video. The place on Poland St. might be Dubbs. They are/were an analogue to digital transfer & restoration outfit. I used to work for them, coincidentally, just after I graduated from St Martins; but that was in another century, an…
  • Thanks for the suggestions, I shall add them to the ever expanding compilation. 
  • I am just going to highjack this thread, briefly, to ask all those parents/carers of little children & others, who know of these things & coming into Easter as we are, to suggest some thoughts & spill their knowledge on local(ish) activi…
  • Alex, way back in the good old arcadian '90s was running his gallery very much as a business & one of questionable aesthetic merit at that - photo of Keith Richards or some such (looking sad & or addled, backstage) yours, for only £££ etc. C…
  • @ JoeV, Social Class all comes down to soft furnishings & wood finishes in the end, and this isn't even mentioned once in either Das Kapital or 'The Manifesto; which, in terms of sheer insanity, is a close second to the ludicrous omission of Eas…
  • It might well be best to try via the twitter.
  • Sorry! It's not really going to be called that. I was making a clumsy crack about the supposed runaway gentrification of the area. It's so disheartening to see some genuine glee-filled enthusiasm underpinned by my sarcasm. Didn't mean to piss on you…