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  • Well, even if it were 200 years old (which it isn’t) would that be sufficient merit alone to preserve it? The cost of replacement hasn’t been revealed. Does anyone know whether it’s going to be economically or ecologically more viable to maintain it…
  • “Historic”, @Arkady ? I can accept that it might be of interest to an engineering or architectural historian if it’s as rare as you say, but “attractive”? Chacun à son goût, I suppose. It MIGHT be replaced by “featureless modernist crap”, and if the…
  • All right, I’ll bite: What’s beautiful about it? All very well getting sentimental (I’m just preempting here) over the efforts of the brickies, engineers, and architects of yore (i.e., when they were good), but it’s just a bog-standard railway brid…
  • Obviously something needs to be there to hold up the Parkland Walk, but does the current bridge have any particular merit other than being old? It seems rather plain and banal to me, and not attractive at all to pass under. Perhaps a steel structure…
  • So I see from their site, @mountpelephant . On the balance of probability I retract my disdainful sneer from Neat Burger with immediate effect!
  • …From which I gleefully extrapolate the forthcoming arrivals of Clogged Artery Burger and Cancer Burger. Oh goodee!
  • @krappyrubsnif , would you be more specific about this, and what makes you say the police know about it? @LukeG , part of the problem is that the neighbourhood looks run down. The council don’t maintain things well, and many of the private properti…
  • I don’t get out much, so I’ve yet to investigate it, but what is it exactly? A grocer’s or a restaurant?
  • My point, @kreuzkav , is that you obviously CAN’T rely on people’s common sense or knowledge of the neighbourhood, which is why I argue that the park should be closed at night time. The fact that it’s left open at night might suggest to a (stupid) p…
  • There was a time (I don’t know how long ago this stopped being the case) when the park was closed during darkness. Perhaps if the authorities can’t/won’t improve the security of the park, rather than advising people against using the park at night (…
  • What Twitter feed, @HolbornFox ?
  • Ha! So they’re of the generation of the eight-year-old who says “poops”? If they’re not typos, what do they mean in the context above??? I’m still wondering whether “mouth breathers” refers to the dogs (after all, they do tend to breath through thei…
  • “Mouth breathers”? “Sitch”? Are these obscure typos?
  • I wonder if they’re using it on the grass areas around the blocks of flats. As it is, the grass seems to be mown more often than necessary. I think it would be nice if they let it grow more, enabling the wildflowers to grow too. Probably much less e…
  • Torn hole runs.
  • It’s a shame about the Quality Fish Bar. I had some very good fish and chips there, generously portioned and moderately priced, and the service was always friendly. However, in keeping with the rule for sit-in chippies, (the better the fish and chip…
  • As it seems to be one of the principal arguments for holding “events” in the Park, that the Park should be used in this way to pay (at least in part) for its upkeep, does that mean that the existence (or proposal) of any public utility ought to be j…
  • I remember “quiet enjoyment” being a legal term used in accommodation disputes may years ago (Perhaps it still is). Nonetheless, it seems that no one in Haringey Council had the either the experience or common sense to anticipate Islington’s (nicely…
  • “peace and quiet, trees and birds for FOUR MONTHS of the summer”? “It has the potential to be superb. I hope it is.”
  • Sounds as if you’re praying for a lager-only sort of do, @krappyrubsnif. I should then also be praying for a return visit from those nice Luftwaffe chappies; It would make my running track gesture all the more fitting, since that space was once a gu…
  • The pubs that have survived the past year—not some shady councillor-bribing opportunists—need the business. I shall pray for rain.
  • Sweet Jesus! I went and signed! Disapprove? The hoi polloi, with their dogs on bits of string, getting pissed in the park and disturbing the ducks? I might just dowse myself in Grouse, and immolate myself in the middle of the running track in protes…
  • Well, I still prefer to keep a goodly stock of tinker’s cusses, but nonetheless, how did you hear of this pub, @krappyrubsnif ?
  • And (sigh!) you make no provision for those of us (and we are sure to be legion) who, assuming this proposed pub will be neither in the park nor right outside the gate, don’t give a tinker’s cuss.
  • Could be worse: Chilli pork anus = Sour phallic ink (All right, I'll stop!)
  • Avert Prank = Park Tavern (lazyatom) Fecal Cream = Cafe Carmel (rikki) Elf hurt back fellating = The Faltering Fullback (therattle) Hearty dildo = The Old Dairy (krappyrubsnif) Catholic Rhino Lust = Crouch Hill Station (krappyrubsnif) Electronic Fa…
  • No sacred altar.
  • An old cat’s rear.
  • Sorry, no head.
  • Pagan pope