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  • There's three at the top end of SGR, one at Stroud Green Convenience Store, one that looks dodgy but is fully functional in a phone box (?) in the middle of the pavement and one at Sainsbury's. None of them really help from Hornsey road though
  • Yup! The one with the nice handpainted "Khan Meats Limited" sign next to La Fabrica.
  • And I totally respect that! Right, given those boundaries (that make sense to me!) here's the three proposals so far, as far as I can tell (forgive the crude Paint drawing): Red = Geographical centre, slightly varying de…
  • I think we both think of the direction that points towards Crouch End as being north subconciously, but if you look at a map Fiveways is pretty much directly west of where you suggested, in fact slightly to the south of it. But your point makes sens…
  • Well, I think the commercial centre is a fair bit down SGR these days, but Fiveways is fairly close to the geographic centre (slightly too far west) and a clear local landmark that's hard to miss. I'll go for that unless anyone has major objections.
  • Nah, futher down, it's the one next to La Fabrica I think. Formerly Khan Meat Limited.
  • Or maybe it doesn't matter? In which case Victoria Road makes sense.
  • Yes, that's probably closer. I was just trying to pick out a landmark that would make sense and that's reasonably close, rather than have it in the middle of a residential section. Perhaps the suggestion @gardener-joe made is closer, then?
  • Thanks for the survey! So, based on that, how about the site of the abandoned Stroud Green railway station on Stapleton Hall road?
  • I can have a go later - what would be the ideal "centre point" of Stroud Green? ie. what should the place pointer point at? Interesction of SGR and Tollington Park?
  • Yeah. A major revamp is on its way, hooray! Looking forward to seeing the new space.
  • Thanks for the pics. It does look a bit out of character for the area and not very inspired, but at least it's not completely out of scale and seems to use appropriate material. What's your impression?
  • I've shared this and donated a small sum. New Beacon Books is a critical part of the history of Stroud Green (as well as British black history, of course) and we should all help preserve it.
  • Apparently, from another thread, it's a... (drumroll...) pizza place: Pizza X Drink, a vaguely youthfully styled but not particularly edgy restaurant, whose other location is close to where I work. It looks more downscale than Gustavo's and fairly b…
  • I'm wondering how this could impact business... The chicken shop, for instance, that looks considerably more upscale now than its actual culinary offerings, will it draw the right crowd or confuse people? The different aesthetics are a set of signif…
  • Interesting! I was wondering why so many seemingly unrelated shops had switched to (for want of a better term) hipster-style shopfronts. I gather they're still mostly the same on the inside. Are the councils/the mayor's office mandating this partic…
  • It's weird, isn't it? Since moving here I've been wondering about its mixture of low-cost blandness and obvious advertorials, which is quite bizarre when compared to its parent blog, Gothamist, which is sharply-written, on-the-pulse and edgy. Any id…
  • Thanks again. I think I'll consider switching to the train before, even if it means changing at Gospel Oak to that infernally enticing Richmond train that always leaves the platform as the GOBLIN rolls in.
  • Oh. That makes sense, thank you! Do you know how common it is for it to be cancelled? I don't want to keep booking on it and then have it not turn up. Is it just starting hiccoughs or will this persist? Of course it was cancelled again today...
  • @andover-yo I think you may be surprised. I can especially recommend Banadaari Restaurant, the Somalian place before Fonthill Road which used to be a dimly-lit hole-in-the-wall with no visible menu - they have absolutely magical slow-cooked lamb sha…
  • I'd be very wary of the UCKG - they're a fairly worrisome group, with heavy political involvement in its native Brazil, some pretty extreme relationships with tithing and money (as previously mentioned in the thread) and the weird thing where they f…
  • Hi everyone! Thanks Arkady for resolving my e-mail issues so well, I've finally managed to register after lurking for a couple of weeks. I've lived in Stroud Green for a year come April, and I love the are and its combination of vibrancy, accessib…