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  • Hi MGJoey - before you repair the fence (perhaps only to have it vandalised again) could it be worth talking to the youths' parents about their behaviour? It might get them to stop, especially if the parents think they might be getting fence repair …
  • @mapsa and everybody else - sorry to hear that this problem is so widespread. I think the reason he doesn't bother us is a combination of early lessons (he was driven off our territory loads of times as a kitten) and again the catflap - he basically…
  • @Ali - responsible cat owners (such as the original poster emine) make efforts to minimise their cat's impact on wildlife and the neighbour's begonias. And there's a difference between day-to-day territorial scrapping and the random thuggery of bad…
  • @mapsa - oh dear. I do know this cat. Not one of mine (thank god) but he lives next door. Haven't seem him for ages, but my partner often sees him crossing FPR so I assume he now operates on the other side of MVR from where we live. I'm really sad …
  • Also, 'scanning' the cats for the first time so that the flap can read their microchip IDs is hilarious. If you're watching someone else do it. If you have to do it yourself it's probably more like working on the world's worst checkout.
  • @sophie - it seems to work very well. It opens fast and the whole thing is sturdy - I had similar reservations, as our cats regularly destroyed previous catflaps with high-speed chases, but they've not even dented this one and we've had it for a cou…
  • @emine - you may not be able to stop him entirely but I recommend taking the bells off for starters. In my experience bells make cats better hunters as they're forced to learn to move even more stealthily. How big were the birds? If they were smal…
  • The plans are available via the estate agent's website A lovely gated 'community' for rich people afraid of accidentally bumping into a prole.
  • Second Weebl's Amazing Horse, though I think the Nerd Follia's cover version is better -