jewellery repair / tasty breakfast

edited September 2009 in Local discussion

Has anyone had any jewellery repaired in the local area? I have a couple of things I keep putting off taking to one of the cheapy shops on Seven Sisters Road because i'm a bit worried they might be a bit slapdash. It's only costume jewellery but I want to find somewhere that will do a proper job. Any suggestions?

Also, I tried a fry - up at Mari E Monti for the first time this weekend and it was lovely. I especially liked the 'build your own breakfast' thing since I got to choose exactly what I wanted with no unwanted evil cooked tomato loitering on my plate.


  • edited 9:29PM
    hello, I've use Zingal in Crouch End for watch/clock repairs, putting diamonds back in etc. They're a family business and have always been good, friendly and really efficient. Although I asked them to shorten a costume jewellery chain a while ago, and they said they couldn't do it, because it would melt. I think there may be different skill sets when it comes to jewellery repairs.

    You know the evil cooked tomato, does that rule out pizza for you as well? Trying to work out if you're just a fussy eater.
  • Thanks. I'll give them a call to see if they can do what I have in mind.

    I'm a big fan of pizza (and raw tomatoes), it's just when they are grilled and all squishy and taking up valuable space on my breakfast plate that they become evil. Does this make me a fussy eater?
  • edited 9:29PM
    Agreed on fried tomatoes, a rare mis-step in humanity's interaction with the usually adaptable and delicious tom.
  • edited 9:29PM
    You must be eating some crappy fried/grilled tomatoes - they should be delicious.
  • edited 9:29PM
    I agree with you tosscat. Put some pan-fried crusted cod, roasted cherry tomatoes with lemon cous cous in front of them and it's all a different story.
  • edited 9:29PM
    Although, curiously, a cooked tomato releases more goodness than a raw one.
  • edited 9:29PM
    People tell me the same thing about mayo ('oh, the store-bought stuff is vile, but you should try my home-made version') and radishes (substitute 'homegrown'), among other horrid foodstuffs. Experience suggests that no, the stuff I don't like, I just don't like, even if it was home-cooked using ingredients from the angels' garden by the ghosts of every great chef who ever lived.

    Except for butternut squash, which for some reason can be made lovely by a very few great cooks in spite of otherwise being yuck.
  • edited 9:29PM
    white bloomer toast, butter, grilled/fried tomatoes, black pepper and a touch of sugar. Mmmmm.
  • edited 9:29PM
    Like little overheated nuclear reactors, I just don't want to eat them.
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