Moving to Mount View Road

edited December 2009 in Local discussion
Hi all

Myself and a pal are moving to Manor View Rd on Monday, so thought I'd drop in and say hi. I've been living in the wider area since September 2006, first in Plimsoll Rd in Highbury, then for the last year in Sussex Way in Holloway. Very much looking forward to being near to the 'Stroud Green Riviera' - I'm a big fan of the Old Dairy, the World's End, the Fullback, Cats, etc.

I'm loving the discussion board. I hope you don't mind my participation - I can see that by some of the definitions found in the 'Stroud Green Borders' thread that - as a resident of the northern side of MVR - we might actually be in Hornsey Vale... or Hornsey... or Crouch End... or Harringey...

Any commuters with experience of using Harringay Rail station? I'm thinking that on particularly crappy/lazy days I might be tempted to use it to get to FP for the Victoria Line, especially now Oyster pay-as-you-go is accepted, but I've also heard some whinging about that station in the past.




  • edited 7:46PM

    Mount View Road?
    I commute every day from Hgy into Moorgate. It's ok, but at peak you can struggle to get on a train. And some trains (not many) are often only 3 carriages which is crackers. They're pretty frequent tho.

    Time keeping of First Capital Connect is dire, information is always late, ticket guy doesn't make announcements, and with their current 'oh we don't have enough drivers who'dve thunk it' you may find some weekends they're are no trains whatsoever.

    [The idea of who'll repay a Zone 3 travelcard that's no use when FCC are on strike is for another thread]

    Have fun in SG!
  • edited 7:46PM
    Mount view - that's the one! Cheers for the train tips. I have a Zone 2 travelcard and I thinkl i'm going to leave it at that...

  • edited 7:46PM
    I frequently use Harringay and I think the service is at least as good as the Tube. Lately there have been the overtime 'strikes' but for a quick way into town it's great - don't change at FP for the Vicky line though just cross the platform at High and I. And don't berate Raphael - he doesn't get the information to pass on most of the time, but gives a great, very friendly service to a bunch of mainly miserable commuters. If you're going to be infrequent then stick with zone 2 and get some Pay as Go credit - it starts int he NY on the trains.
  • edited 7:46PM
    Cheers Tosscat - if the horrors of FP station can be avoided then I'm a happy man.
  • edited 7:46PM
    I used to use Harringay Rail - no complaints apart from the usual rush hour stuff. I now use Crouch Hill and can report similar. the only annoying thing is that Crouch Hill is Zone 3 so it costs more to get off there. I have contemplated getting off at Upper Holloway and walking the rest.
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