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Seedling swap/Give away

This weekend will be a big seed sowing weekend for me. However, I am sure that this year, as every year, I will end up with far too many seedlings to fit into my postage stamp-sized garden.

Does anyone know of any seedling swaps going on in about 6-8 weeks time. I am aware there is often one in Waterloo but can't find any details. Anyone know of any or are interested in organising a Stroud Green one?

Failing that, would any of the local schools be grateful for some stuff to grow on?


  • edited 5:20PM
    I help out with the local Brownie pack and we would be delighted to have any spare seeds for the girls to do their gardening badge with.
  • edited 5:20PM
    "The Finsbury Park Community Garden Project are holding a Plant and Seed Swop Morning on 6th March 2010 10 am ­- 1 pm at Finsbury Park Community Garden in Finsbury Park (just on the left inside the Manor House Gates next to Manor House Tube)
    Bring any plants or seeds you don¹t want and swop them for plants or seeds that you do want. Please mark up plants and seeds so everyone knows what they are!"

    Also we meet every first sat in the month - would you put that on your calendar?
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