General Election: Hornsey and Wood Green - PPCs

edited April 2010 in Local discussion
Here are the PPCs for Hornsey and Wood Green. Lynne Featherstone is incumbent. - Lynne Featherstone (LD): <>; - Karen Jennings (Lab): <>; - Richard Merrin (Con): <>; - Pete McAskie (Green): <>; - Rohen Kapur (Independent): <>; 2005 Results from [wikipedia]( - Lib Dem: Lynne Featherstone 20,512 votes (43.3%) +17.5% - Labour: Barbara Roche 18,117 votes (38.3%) -11.6% - Conservative: Peter Forrest 6,014 votes (12.7%) -3.0% - Green: Jayne Forbes 2,377 votes (5.0%) -0.1% - UKIP: Roy Freshwater 310 votes (0.7%) +0.7%


  • edited 11:46AM
    <a href="">Register here</a> if you are not already signed up.

    Also useful for postal & proxy votes.
  • edited April 2010
    Here are some twitter feeds: - Lynne Featherstone: <>; - Karen Jennings: <>; - Richard Merrin: <>; You can follow them all on this list here: <>;
  • edited 11:46AM
    Merrin"Astounded that the libs are leafleting on the holy day in Camden".

    How quaint.
  • edited April 2010
    Here are the odds from Betfair: - Liberal Democrat 1.13 (2/15) - Labour 6 (5/1) - Conservative 40 (39/1) - Any Other 40 (39/1) Incredibly, (in my view), the bookies rate Lynne to be a surer bet than Jeremy Corbyn to retake the seat. This strikes me as likely, but not a good value bet compared to the value in Islington North. A quid on Lynne returns 13p, a quid on Jeremy returns 25p.
  • edited 11:46AM
    Lynne was one of the very few MPs to turn up for yesterday's debate on the Digital Economy Bill.
  • edited 11:46AM
    I regularly get lib dem junk mail (with my name on it!). It's very annoying and a complete waste of paper as I already know who I'm voting for. I'll be getting even more now, I've had three letters already this week! Any idea how I could get off their mailing list. Thanks.
  • edited 11:46AM
    @Ed B
    remove yourself from the Electoral Register and don't vote Lib Dem? ;-)
  • edited 11:46AM
    Most MPs with contestable seats will be home in their constituencies, rather easier for Lynne...
  • edited April 2010
    Lynne states on her current batch of flyers that:

    "The Conservatives <u>can't</u> win in Hornsey and Wood Green."

    Is this something to do with the number of seats on the council or something else that would make it impossible for the Conservative party to win in H&WG at the General Election?
  • edited 11:46AM
    Given Labour and Lib Dem account for well over 80% of the votes in the constituency, it's not an unreasonable statement. Odds of 39/1 give an implied probability of 2.5% - it's not impossible, but it is very very very unlikely.
  • edited 11:46AM
    good point Arkady, all the more reason not to push through a crucial bill during 'wash up'
  • edited 11:46AM
    Ed B - If you email and ask to be removed from my mailing list I can stop the addressed letters. I'm afraid that the leaflets are not stoppable - but please recycle.

    And if anyone wants more leaflets - happy to provide!
  • edited 11:46AM

    If only it were that easy - I have unsubscribed more than once, I have left voicemail to the same effect and told LD canvassers not to knock here - all to no avail!!! Short of hypnosis there is no chance that anyone in this household will allow LibDems to 'borrow' their vote for leverage in negotiations after the election - I'm really tired of 40 odd years and various incarnations of Liberal parties trying to be a credible electoral force by claiming a copyright on 'fairness'.
    Their style of leafletting which purports to address me personally e.g. with a my name atop a fake handwritten letter is just intrusive and about as classy as your average loan-shark junk-mail. If you don't print this junk there's no need to recycle.
    No reply required.
  • edited April 2010
    @Andy, thanks for that, just wasn't sure if it was political flimflam rather than an actual fact.

    Ps thanks to Lynne for voting against the Digital Economy bill.
  • edited 11:46AM
    Thanks Lynne, have emailed.
  • edited 11:46AM
    Here's more constituency analysis: <>; This site suggests that a vote in H&WG is worth just over half a normal vote.
  • edited 11:46AM
    I can't decide who to vote for. I like Darling's eyebrows and Gordon's hair, but Lynne seems nice too and I don't want her to lose her job.

    Is it against forum policy for me to say I hope George Osbourne gets AIDS?
  • edited 11:46AM
    Andy, your interpretation of that website seems wrong, since they state: "Voters in Hornsey & Wood Green have 2.05x more voting power than the UK average." I.e. a H&WG vote is actually twice as powerful as the average vote in the UK, though only half as powerful as it would be under full proportional representation.
  • edited April 2010
    Seems wrong. But isn't. The text on the site says: "In Hornsey & Wood Green, one person does not really have one vote, they have the equivalent of 0.517 votes." So it depends what you take 'normal' and 'average' to mean. In my opinion, the fact that H&WG's votes are less rubbish than others is nothing to get excited about. The baseline for 'normal' should be that each vote counts more or less equally. But I'm clearly some sort of Jeffersonian hippy.
  • edited 11:46AM
    Im standing as an Independent , I am not standing for the Libertarian Party anymore, I prefer to be responsible to the people who vote for me rather than be subject to any party rules or policies which may interfere with that.

    Twitter feed @HenryNorth
    telephone 02088880649 /07958320134

    I will try and make it to Stroud green to hand out leaflets and push them through the doors but Im afraid since time is limited you might only just get one leaflet sent round by the royal mail.

    Hope thats ok

    The best way of asking a question is direct email, Or phone, or leave a comment on the blog ( unfortunately I have had to turn off anonymous comments) I will get back to you as soon as I can.


    Dr Kapur
  • edited 11:46AM
    So you're saying you had to leave the Libertarian Party because it has oppressive rules?
  • edited 11:46AM
    Rohen - I have edited your post to become an Independent, and have changed the web link. I understand your frustration. I hate Libertarians telling me what to do.
  • edited 11:46AM
    Im a free spirit and whilst I may be rather outspoken, I mean well, I've never pretended to be a career politician, Im standing up for the little guys the people who want to have a voice and who dont get that at the moment That is why my telephone number and email address and home address are freely available ( just tap my name into Google and it'll bring up the hustings website or yournext mp and my details can be found on there)

    The Libertarian Party of the UK. I feel that certain aspects have been infiltrated by personal egos and personal problems and those have projected to what is going on in that party. I can't put my finger on it but I know that several people have left and that is a worrying thing. If you are having a party structure, it should be fair to everyone.

    Every Libertarian should be free to stand at any time especially if they are putting up their own money as a deposit.
  • edited 11:46AM
    How much is a deposit and how many votes do you need to get it back?
  • edited 11:46AM
    £500 and I need 5% of the Vote to get it back about 1600 votes
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