Islington Council election results

edited May 2010 in Local discussion
Rumours of a Labour landslide in Islington Council: < Results will be coming through on Twitter over the next couple of hours: <>; Results logged here: <>;


  • edited 8:28AM
    These are starting to roll in now. Looks like Labour have taken the council. No news yet from Tollington.
  • RegReg
    edited 8:28AM
    Didn't realise that the boy pretender for Islington North also ran as a Councillor again. [Mildmay](
  • edited 8:28AM
    Huge result for Labour here. A walkover. All 3 Labour councillors returned in Tollington.
  • edited 8:28AM
    Absolute landslide. I'm amazed - didn't think the Lib Dem council was that unpopular. Labour - 35 Lib Dem - 13
  • edited 8:28AM
    Here are the Tollington Ward results: <>; Greens got kicked out of their Highbury seat too.
  • edited 8:28AM
    They got trounced.

    Anyone know why?

    For me, I have always got the impression that the council has been far too cosy with Arsenal. I'm particularly unimpressed with the way that 'mitigating the effects' of the stadium in fact means huge amounts of inconvenience for local residents.
  • A big thank you to everyone on that voted in the election.

    Obviously, we're very chuffed to have won in Tollington and across Islington. Tollington councillor Catherine West will become the Leader of Islington Council on 18 May.

    But I'm also very pleased that so many people voted. Turnout in Islington North was almost 65%, the highest for almost 20 years and one of the highest since the war. There were queues at polling stations beyond 9pm although I don't know of anyone excluded from voting because they ran out of time.

    Thanks again, Richard
  • hsbhsb
    edited 8:28AM
    Without sounding too ignorant can anyone tell me what the difference is between a Labour candidate and a 'Labour and Co-Operative Party Candidate'? I found that a little confusing on the ballot paper, especially as there was no Labour Party logo next to these candidates. My research shows that: 'it is regarded by some as a faction within Labour, although the Co-operative Party is legally a separate political organisation' I suppose my question is are they Labour party candidates?
  • edited 8:28AM
    They are Labour Party candidates. The Cooperative party started of as an independent grouping but is now more of a pressure group within Labour. Officially they stand as joint candidates. It used to be people on the left wing of the party, but i note that Ed Balls stands as a cooperative. A
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