Two VW Vans stolen in one day! Mountview Road and Albert Road



  • AliAli
    edited 2:41AM
    They were built before cars came along. MaybeBusby might have something about playing on the streets before they got covered in cars
  • edited June 2010
    I know. Note I said traffic not cars. Mind you, I wouldn't send my kids to play in front of a horse and cart either. I narrowly avoided writing cars, before remembering I'd be picked up on it. Fact is though, nowadays, they are a road not a playground. I think kids should play out the front in the road - but they should always remember the cars. On a complete side note but coincedentally related, watch the BBC documentary on Steve Winwood, of Traffic fame, which I'm watching now and is on the iplayer. One of the most underated musicians of his time.
  • edited 2:41AM
    @busman, have you really got 5 cars!? If I was one of your neighbours I'd really hope they were parked off street/out of the way or at least not taking up valuable non-CPZ space! I understand the legality of having them taxed etc. and you can leave them where you like, but where's the social responsibility in that? I share @Tosscat';s comments about the need for CPZ, but it annoys me to see the often empty CPZs compared with the chocker non-CPZ. I have come to accept the inevitability of the zone, short of where it impacts unfairly on those who don't live in one (aka the pincer movement - well done council!), since for every house conversion, there's realistically only one parking space for every 3 to 4 flats. I, for one, have conceded to not needing a car. Even though I had a company motor for 9 years, it sat largely unused, save for client meetings and the odd nightmare big shop to Sainsbury's. I used to love the rare occasion I'd get to park outside my own house - even a few doors down gave me joy. Now, without one, it cheers me to see the upstairs neighbours' car park out front, but that too is rare (just to counter your NIMBY comment - I'm not the prat with 5 cars). And this probably sounds really anal, but several times I had to write to the DVLA, forced to report untaxed, dumped vehicles in the non-CPZ zone. I find myself checking tax discs even now, and I haven't had the car for nearly a year. Chances are these are the same tossers who hit and run, jump red lights and zebra crossings, are routinely ignorant of highway etiquette and couldn't give a toss. I now use delivery services for the big shop and when I need to buy bulky items I use streetcar, which frankly I look for excuses to use. I agree that when you have kids, there's a greater need for your own car, and @Papa L sounds like a reasonable scenario to justify one, but few Londoners are so inconvenienced. And the 10 minute journey from the station; I have a similar scenario, albeit without kids, where I get a family member to pick me up, given that in the sticks they pretty much have to own a car. My point is, if you're serious about not owning a car, I believe there's usually always a way to cope without one if you live in London.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Coming back to the original theme of the thread before it was so kindly thread jacked,there have since been two further thefts one a landscape gardeners truck parked in Mountview Road in August and the other another camper stolen from Upper Tollington Park on the 10th September between 10am and 6 pm. Thats four of the same type taken in as many months, no coincidence in my opinion.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Another one.... my neighbours got nicked last friday on Upper Tollington Park, near the Lancaster Road junction.
  • edited 2:41AM
    dammit, not reading first is often fatal...
  • edited 2:41AM
    Having spoken to our local PCO and the PC from the neighbouring ward where prats with 5 cars tend to leave them it appears they are on the case and have been proactively contacting owners of similar vehicles, and stopping tow trucks which look suspicious which was reassuring to hear. There will be a follow up article published in the Hornsey Journal next week I believe.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Has anyone asked if the council has removed them? If they've been sat for extended periods, the council can get over-zealous, particularly when pressured by frustrated car owners living outside the CPZ. Technically if its taxed and looks mechanically sound, they shouldn't touch it. But then Haringey parking division are a law unto themselves!
  • edited 2:41AM
    Suprisingly enough the first thing the PC who I reported the theft to phoned up Haringey to check this, so no. The second vehicle was stolen from outside the owners house in the CPZ, the third was a resident on Mountview (who parked outside his own house so you can have a cheer) , and the fourth was stolen from Upper Tollington Park , in the CPZ, from outside the owners house , so again have a cheer.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Who's cheering here? 'Mostly' I object to multiple car owners, out-of tax vehicles etc. dumped outside the CPZ. Having a nicked car, or one snatched by the council is no fun at all.
  • edited 2:41AM
    I was refering to the fact that the cars were taken outside their owners house, as they had been able to park outside their own house which apparently makes you cheer when you see it.
  • edited 2:41AM
    Oh yes, I see now. Yes that does make me cheer...but not the thieving part. The screwdriver attack is very concerning too. If the police aren't bothered about it, perhaps this is whats needed: <
  • edited 2:41AM
    I am told there will be an article in The Evening Standard tomorrow night echoing the one in the Journal.
  • I hear ya Sincers, we need ED-209 patrolling! You don't really get directors interluding with daft adverts very much in films these days - it's a a load of my fave Robocop ones - <>; Not to take away from the VW Vans though, I hope whoever is up to this gets caught soon, I used to have one and loved it dearly...I hope they are found and returned ASAP.
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