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Stroud Green Road, so glorious in the sunshine!

edited September 2010 in Local discussion
The autumn sun seems so lovely this morning. Had a lovely walk down to Tesco and then on to the Convenience Store, which is still doing brisk business.


  • edited 6:08PM
    Thanks @kreuzkav - you inspired me to do the same. What a perfect Stroud Green day! I drew some money out of the free Sains cash machine then walked past a large queue for he Tescos machine (does it still charge? crazy). Then went to MAH Brothers - what a gold mine - to get a 3l tin of olive oil. Then on top FFF to get some prawns and fresh silver snapper. I've been promising to go in there from recommendations on earlier threads and was very pleased I did. Then topped it off with a trip to the butchers to buy the biggest chicken breasts I've ever seen. The smell of fresh bread was wafting out of Sainsbury's and evenThe Stapleton was looking civilized. A vast improvement.
  • edited 6:08PM
    The Tesco ATM has never charged. Though I am baffled when I see people using any of the various other SGR ones which do, including the old Woody's one.
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