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Mental Health Mind Haringey

Can i just take this oppertunity to say thankyou to everyone supporting our community cafe on fridays
We will be holding a christmas fair in December will post the date very soon also our wellbeing workshops will be open for people living/working with mental health problems monday to friday 10/4.00pm starting 15th November also we are setting up a L.G.B,T. mental health user dropin on a wednesday due to start 18th November
if any local people wuold like to volunteer time please give us a call on 02083402474 and ask to speak to Dave we are also looking for trustees specifically with a finance or IT bacground. Thanks again for all your support with the cafe.
We are looking at holding alternative Therapy Days once a month such as Reiki, Indian head massage and Realaxation techniques for the local community to raise cash for our charity there would be a small door charge would people support this? Let me know and all ideas welcome
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