Come On!!!!

Please Please Please help us tomorrow between 11.00am/1.00pm come along to Mind in Haringey 73Cstapleton Hall Road home of the community cafe on a friday buy a tea coffee and homemade bun or peice of cake and all proceeds go to the mental health foundation


  • edited 8:12AM
    That double capitalisation with surplus exclamation marks means I am now picturing Mind as run by <a href="">Delia Smith</a>.
  • Ha Ha
    not at all but this event is being run by foodcycle who run the cafe on a friday does that mean we will see you there?
  • edited 8:12AM
    I don't see why it would given I've never made it to the Fridays either. But I do have a bunch of eBay-rejected books to offload at a charity shop later today, and Mind may well be the beneficiary.
  • edited 8:12AM
    I saw this in the Standard last week. The description of the clientele frequenting the Stroud Green, Mind, Friday, cafe made me smile. <>;
  • edited 8:12AM
    *Unsurprisingly, the “squeezed middle” got early wind of the plan. Organiser Jessica Veltman apologises that the place seems crowded out with Stroud Green's ethics-conscious middle classes and their children.* *“We're here for the cheap, home-cooked food,” says Kate Bines, a 42-year-old marketing manager who's eating with her partner Dom, brother Peter and two small children. “It's great value and there's a nice vibe to the place. Plus, someone else clears up the mess. In fact, I'd be happy to pay a lot more.”* *“If it were open in the evening around the kids' teatime,” says Peter, “I imagine we'd come once a week.”* *“It's difficult to find nutritious cheap food for the kids every day,” says Vicky Meek, a journalist here with Olivia, three, and Louise, four. “But here it's a bargain. They even ate the sprouts!”* AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. Does anyone, ANYONE AT ALL, want to reveals themselves as the sources for these quotes......
  • edited 8:12AM
    Gosh, who could it be?
  • edited 8:12AM
    As some other posts have stated on here, the Mind Friday cafe was set up to make money for Mind despite the clientele's class and to use up donated food rather than it being dumped. I haven't gone up there and I could be wrong about the cafe's intentions.

    Seems like a good thing to have this in our neighbourhood!
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  • edited December 2010
    any ideas tosscat?
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