Just Outside the CPZ

edited March 2011 in Local discussion
The expanded Crouch End Controlled Parking Zone is now being laid out, and will reach right up to and include Ferme Park Road north of the ridge. I want to monitor the effect this will have on the ever-diminishing number of streets that are NOT in a CPZ, specifically the number of displaced vehicles that will inevitably flood in from people avoiding CPZ fees. So I have set up a specific discussion blog, [Just Outside The CPZ](http://outsidecpz.blogspot.com/) to keep tabs on this. Do take a look.


  • edited 7:39AM
    Update on "Just Outside....": [The Onslaught Begins](http://outsidecpz.blogspot.com/2011/04/onslaught-begins.html). What happens when a street near you gets a new CPZ nuzzling up to it - but not including it. With new pictures!
  • edited 7:39AM
    Welll done Hugh... but I've got bad news for you and the inhabitants of Nelson, Inderwick (where I live) and the other roads up to Uplands. Not only do we have to contend with displacement from Crouch End A but we will shortly have to contend with displacement from the South. Haringey have conducted a consultation on extending the Finsbury Park CPZ all the way up to Ridge Road (!) and every street within the consultation area (of course not including us) voted in favour of extending the CPZ. If we think it is getting bad now it will be unbelievable when they do this, probably, later this year.

    On your blog you invite comments but I can't see where to leave them so put a reply on here. I can be emailed on Paulinderwick@yahoo.co.uk.
  • edited 7:39AM
    Looks like FPR will be getting CPZ extension up to Ridge Road - finally! Well done to Richard Wilson for pushing this. It come come soon enough.
  • edited 7:39AM
    Was that a real vote in favour of extension, or more council shenanigans like they normally pull when pretending to consult the proles?
  • edited 7:39AM
    Well I would have voted in favour cos I'm sick of people dumping their crap outside my house. With 10 years hindsight, perhaps nobody would have voted in favour of a CPZs, but such is life. This particular extension does appear to have been campaigned-for by Richard Wilson, although I can't say I was aware of it; so well done to him.
  • edited October 2011
    The expanded Stroud Green CPZ up to Ridge Road is now operational. This has predictably caused mayhem for those of us in the streets outside it. So I've updated my blog Just Outside the CPZ with the latest horror. Scroll down for the telling photos of streets yards apart: Ridge Road and Nelson Road. <http://outsidecpz.blogspot.com/2011/10/october-2011-now-its-really-bad.html>;
  • edited 7:39AM
    @hughpear I note you end the blog with "We know what needs to be done: introduce the CPZ to our streets immediately". Surely what needs to be done is the removal of all CPZs. All we really need is some double-yellow lines where it is dangerous to park, otherwise let people park where they want.
  • edited 7:39AM
    I agree entirely with yagamuffin. CPZs are not the solution, they simply move the problem elsewhere. Its unfortunate if you are unable to park your car outside your house or flat but we live in a dense residential area. A free for all (except for disabled spaces) makes sense to me
  • edited 7:39AM
    I can understand the need for some sort of restriction within a reasonable distance of the tube stations - you don't want people driving in from miles away and parking their cars in residential streets and hopping on the tube, but all you need to prevent this is the two hour in the middle of the day restriction. It's ridiculous to end up in a situation where you have nearly every road in the area virtually empty of cars most of the time. If the CPZ was kept to a minimum area around the tube stations, then the displaced cars would have a huge choice of roads to park in, and would be fairly spread out so wouldn't cause a problem. However, this would mean that the council would lose a huge amount of revenue from the permits and penalty notices, which is of course, what all this is about...
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  • edited 7:39AM
    Yagamuffin, you are of course right. No CPZs anywhere would be preferable. Our street and those round it were just fine until the problem was created by neighbouring CPZs shouldering right up to us. I'm just being pragmatic. They're not going to remove the existing ones. So the only way to solve the problem is to keep expanding them until there are no unregulated streets left, here or in neighbouring boroughs. Mad, but it's the only logical outcome. Misscara, this is a problem which is not just about parking one's own car, if you have one. It means that relatives from out of town can't easily visit, that delivery vans have to block the street (I don't mind that) that social workers and district nurses can't get near the people they're looking after, that the person mending your washing machine is stuck streets away. And that noise and pollution greatly increase. All in all, being just outside a CPZ is a quality of life problem for everyone.
  • edited 7:39AM
    When the days Arsenal play are the days when greatest problem is , one has to ask why is it not restricted then ??!! . To deceive. A little old man going to a funeral was found in mine.If it had been a saturday there would have been no space. Where they had previously said share now they are making single use bays with no provision for those who used to share . This is outside every public & private building in London They then come back to give a ticket & refuse to address lack of provision which is even outside the Independent Parking Appeals run by London councils now at the Angel. What happens when people can't afford this ?
  • edited 7:39AM
    Julie I've re-read your message several times and don't get what you are trying to say. I thought there were restrictions throughout the CPZ when Arsenal play? There certainly are in Victoria Road where I live which catches many people unaware (none of whom are parking for the football because we're too far away from the ground!)
  • edited 7:39AM

    I apologise in advance if this sounds patronising, but you might benefit by thinking quite mechanically about your sentence structure.

    So, for each sentence think:

    What is the main verb? What is the subject? Are both stated clearly? When I've used a word like 'this' or 'they' will it be clear to all readers who or what they refer to? Could I replace the 'this' or 'they' with a noun? If so, would the sentence become clearer?

    And for each post think: Will people be able to understand this, or am I assuming knowledge they might not have?

    yours schoolmarmishly.
  • edited October 2011
    Right, good news for those of us in CPZ limbo. Stroud Green CPZ will indeed be expanded to the streets north of Ridge Road (Nelson, Inderwick, Mayfield, Denton and Uplands, plus Weston Park east of Ferme Park Road). Work starts early November, will go live December 12. Thanks to Cllr Richard Wilson for chasing this and getting the info out of the council. All this began with a couple of small CPZs round railway stations in order to discourage commuter parking in residential streets. Everything else has been due to the subsequent knock-on effect of displacement, leading to more and larger CPZs. It took ages for the council to recognise the displacement problem. Residents have had no option but to ask to be included. These latest streets north of the Ridge are quite a self-contained pocket. I'd be fascinated to know where on earth all the zone-dodging vehicles jamming our streets will try to go to next. They might even be forced to pay up like the rest of us, and go back home.
  • edited 7:39AM
    Re: "Forced to pay up like the rest of us" - how can someone visiting their friend in, say, Ridge Road "pay up"? Are there pay and display bays?

    Or the visitees who live there can PAY AGAIN for some visitors permits, in addition to their C/tax and residents permits?

    I get you.
  • edited 7:39AM
    It's not as simple as being 'forced to pay like the rest of us'. I had to park my car in someone else's road for several weeks because I didn't yet have the right paperwork to get a permit. It's not that straightforward when you move into the area - I was staying with family in Moray Road, my car was registered elsewhere, etc. I won't bore you with the details but when you're new to the area and working full time (so can't get to the very unhelpful parking office to get a temporary permit in the short hours they are open) it's actually quite hard - and what are you supposed to do with your car while all this is going on?

    I'm sure there are lots of people with valid reasons for parking their car outside the zone - a permit doesn't cost that much if you have a car with an average engine size, so I don't think people would go to the inconvenience of parking their car miles away just to save a few quid.
  • edited 7:39AM
    I'm going to hate paying for visitors' permits as much as anyone, Graeme. It's not ideal. It would be far better if we weren't forced into this. Position we find ourselves in, in the remaining inundated streets, is that a CPZ is the least worst available option. The existing ones causing us the problem aren't going to go away. If you're going to have a regulated-parking system, then it has to be fair for everyone. Putting big CPZs right next to a few streets (ours) which are for the moment unregulated is not only unfair, but idiotic on the part of the council. I don't blame anyone for taking advantage of this (it's entirely legal) but the problem it causes is self-evident. Sharybo, I know what you mean. First place I ever lived in London was an early CPZ. When I got my first car, I went to buy a residents' permit for it. By the time I got back, I'd been ticketed...easy money for them.
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