Boundary Review: Stroud Green goes Tottenham

edited September 2011 in Local discussion
Review of MP constituencies has just been leaked: Hornsey and Wood Green unchanged. Stroud Green ward will go into Tottenham, Holloway goes into Islington North, Holborn, Covent Garden, Kings Cross and City of London go into Islington South. The most interesting thing for me is that David Lammy gets to move into his constituency without having to move house. <>; 38. In Haringey, we noted that the Hornsey and Wood Green constituency could be left unchanged, but in order to accommodate changes elsewhere, we propose to include one ward (Stroud Green) in the Tottenham constituency. We also propose to include one Enfield ward (Bowes) from the existing Enfield, Southgate constituency in the Hornsey and Wood Green constituency. 44. In Islington, we noted that the electorate was too small for two constituencies and we decided to expand the existing Islington North constituency to include one ward (Holloway) from the existing Islington South and Finsbury constituency. To replace the Holloway ward, we propose to include the City of London and two Camden wards (Holborn and Covent Garden, and King’s Cross). Although the City of London has had a longstanding constituency link with wards from the City of Westminster, we noted that there are also close communication links between the City of London and the south of the Borough of Islington. We decided that the constituency should be renamed The City of London and Islington South.


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