Homophobic MP for Enfield North

edited February 2012 in About this site
David Burrowes, MP for Enfield Southgate (which borders Haringey) has signed up to the Coalition for Marriage, a campaign headed by ex-Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey in the form of a petition against same-sex marriage. Lynn Featherstone, MP for Haringey (Stroud Green!) and Equalitites Minister, is publishing a government consultation on same-sex marriage next month.<div><br></div><div>David Burrowes uses interns which are sponsored by CARE (Christian Action Resource Enterprise) which is a Christian fundamentalist organisation which propogates that the bible is the literal truth and not open to any degree of interpretation. They also have sponsored some really unsavoury sounding events which advocate 'curing' homosexuality. </div><div><br></div><div>http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1975933/Christian-fundamentalists-fighting-spiritual-battle-in-Parliament.html</div><div><br></div><div>After learning of their opposition to gay marriage, Tottenham MP David Lammy, has pledged to cut ties with CARE and will no longer accept interns, who are sponsored to the tune of £5,500 per year, from the organisation.</div><div><br></div><div>http://www.haringeyindependent.co.uk/news/9546947.David_Lammy_cuts_ties_with_far_right_Christian_group_that_opposes_gay_marriage/</div><div><br></div><div>Despite public pressure from constituents David Burowes has refused to cut ties with the group.</div><div><br></div><div>http://www.enfieldindependent.co.uk/news/9547018.Pressure_on_Burrowes_after_David_Lammy_cuts_ties_with_far_right_Christian_group/</div><div><br></div><div>The insidious way that far right Christian groups are inveigling their way into British politics is really disturbing. Are we soon going to have politicians like Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney. Please sign an alternative petition which has been set up to campaign for equal marriage to show your support for Britain's continuing culture of tolerance.</div><div><br></div><div>http://www.c4em.org.uk/</div>;


  • Signed. <br><br>Proof, if we needed more, that religion does not belong in politics.<br>
  • <P>if God exists and he is all powerfull then he can cure people of homosexuality if he wants to... (as you put it)</P> <P>We can't prove the existence of God.So we can't know for sure if anyone can be cured or not. </P> <P>As you are keen on tolerance I am sure you will tolerate this logic...</P>
  • Actually that is NOT logical.
  • <P>for the sake of argument - and as this is a discussion forum - </P> <P>if people are tolerant,then why not be tolerant of homophobia</P> <P>for example david lammy mp says he is not tolerant of the people who try and cure gay people</P> <P>but say someone is a jolly nice north london guardian reading liberal,perhaps sipping a coffee in a local sg rd cafe</P> <P>they think "ooh homophobia - thats bad" as they munch on toast n marmalade in bbm or vagabond or chippy (nice photos of fishing scenes in resturant area)...(but not dixie chicken that is taking toleration too far) </P> <P>then the next day they have a religious experience and so embrace christianity</P> <P>then it would be arrogant of them not be intolerant of gay people if that is what God tells them to do (if he exists)</P> <P>a bit more tolerance of intolerance is needed  perhaps </P> <P> </P> <P> </P>
  • Tolerance of intolerance isn't tolerance. Or something.<br>
  • As Oscar Wilde said: "I don't want to go to heaven.None of my friends are there."
  • Coalition for Equal Marriage is the one that likes same sex marriage. Carey's group is the coalition for marriage. Hope you're signing the right petition!
  • Thanks for pointing that out Andy. I've edited it now.
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