
edited May 2007 in General chat
anyone else use it? i recently joined and find it strangely compelling.
but i seem to be a bit of a no-mates relative to most users, who have thousands of mates.

add me as your friend! i think i'm the first result if you search for andy martin in london.


  • edited May 2007
    I'm not a fan of Facebook at all at all to be honest Andy. I think it's trying to be a poor man's Flickr/Blogger/FriendsReunited/Myspace rolled into one. A friend of mine who moved to Australia urged me to join to keep track of her life down under and I found it so tedious I deleted my profile. Harsh as it may sound (and I think you're in the same age bracket as me), it's definitely one for the 16-24 age group.

    Plus the whole thing is just a massive scam to get you to share all your email contacts. Hated the way I had to log in with my gmail account and password. Nothing's free on the interweb, it's just another way to gather every bit of personal information about you they can get.
  • edited May 2007
    I'd resisted until this week. Two of my friends asked me to join within days of each other, so I guess it's at critical mass now.

    Of course I prefer Flickr for photos, and I've never used the garish MySpace, but I do quite like the way this all works. You can't argue it's anything other than well done.

    Oh, I'm 569446365
  • edited 2:21AM
    Sorry was feeling a bit grumpy last night, didn't want to rain on your Facebook party. It ain't that bad really.
  • edited May 2007
    stroudgreen.org is free to all you lovely members, Four Eyes. And far from stealing your identity, the main thing we know about you is that you were a bit grumpy last night. The interweb isn't all cycnical.
  • edited 2:21AM
    @David Is 'cycnical' a portmanteau of cynical and cyclical or was it just a typo? Two portmanteau words in one sentence, now that's what I call an adventure.
  • edited 2:21AM
    I joined last month. It seems to have hit my friends like an interweb tidal wave and swept us all up. I am addicted. I'll have a search for you later Andy.......
  • edited 2:21AM
    ooh, excellent use of "portmanteau". Well done.
  • edited 2:21AM
    I just had to google portmaneau. I think interweb is a much more pleasant word than internet.....more homely somehow....
  • edited 2:21AM
    Is portmanteau a portmanteau word? In which case, it's one of those words that has the quality it describes.

    And I can't remember the word for that.
  • edited May 2007
    On my Mac I just hover over a word and press Control+Apple+D to get a dictionary definition of a word. I use it all the time.

    An onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it describes, is that what you mean?
  • edited 2:21AM
    It's like that, but different. A portmanteau word is word made from two words. Therefore portmanteau is a portmanteau word.

    The word moo sounds like a cow mooing.
  • edited 2:21AM
    I'm on facebook. Like most networks, its not very good. The best feature i found is that nobody can mess around with the css, making it a more plesent experience.

    It seems to be an older crowd too.

    <a href="http://xkcd.com/c256.html">http://xkcd.com/c256.html</a>;
  • edited 2:21AM
    I think ableit a typo, cycnical actually works. It describes me perfectly.
  • edited May 2007
    four eyes is starting to rival david in the resident curmudgeon stakes. we love you all though. i've tried myspace and all the others. I really didn't get myspace.
  • edited May 2007
    *temporarily leaves room for dictionary.com*

    a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person.

    [Origin: 1570–80; unexplained; perh. cur- repr. cur]

    Yep that'll be me then!
  • edited 2:21AM
    Cur-mud-geon [origin unknown] 1. archaic: a crusty, ill-tempered, churlish old man. 2. modern: anyone who hates hypocrisy and pretense and has the temerity to say so; anyone with the habit of pointing out unpleasant facts in an engaging and humorous manner. Taken from Jon Winokur, The Portable Curmudgeon (New York: NAL Books, 1987).
  • edited 2:21AM
    Hooray! Andy you found me on Facebook....I am really the only Ewan in London on there or was there some other clue.??
  • edited May 2007
    Oh, well, if you put it that way! I can more than live with number 2.

    I will happily take the title of being Stroudgreen.org's resident curmudgeon.
  • edited 2:21AM
    i'm quite happy with number 1.
  • edited 2:21AM
    oh....of course Andy, you know my surname/email from here....dur
  • edited 2:21AM
  • edited May 2007
    @matt This is a horrid real life mitchell/web situation, but I just can't let it pass. On my PC I highlight the word, right hand click and it gives me the option to see a definition of the word, or translate it into any of the languages I have enabled, oh and a thesaurus. If I use Firefox I can look it up in all manner of silly places without dirtying my hands on the keyboard at all.
  • edited May 2007
    Portmanteau words of note: cankles (calves and ankles - those people whose legs splice seamlessly into their feet), fugly and yonks.
  • edited 2:21AM
    I always liked Twunt. The word, that is.
  • edited 2:21AM
    @tosscat, if you saw the state of my keyboard you'd never want to touch it. I'm ashamed to say. However, your approach takes three or four user operations and mine takes two. Macs win! ;)
  • edited 2:21AM
    one of my friends is nicknamed cocktard
  • edited May 2007
    mac vs win 'discussions' are strictly banned, even in Eugene's lair. Horses for courses, that's the end of it.
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