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SG in the news again

edited July 2007 in Local discussion
Just turned on the news...and there's my road. The two girls caught trafficking cocaine in Ghana went to the Islington Arts and Media College, opposite my house. What with the FP mosque, and the Green Lanes ricin mob, N4's going to start getting a really bad name...


  • edited 1:24AM
    Saw this and thought of the ever expanding Pak wig shop empire - obviously even alleged terrorists appreciate Stroud Green Road's wide and varied shopping facilities.

    That is a lot of peroxide!

    "On July 5, Ibrahim picked up another 13 boxes of four-litre bottles from Pak Cosmetics in Finsbury Park, north London"
  • LizLiz
    edited 1:24AM
    Apparently there are also Pak outlets in Stratford and Hackney. But SGR is the flagship store, according to the Pak website... <>;
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