James McAvoy

edited January 2008 in Local discussion
Has anyone else seen the story at the bottom of page 4 of today's London Paper, about JMc 'shunning the LA lifestyle in favour of a tiny flat in an unglamorous corner of north London'. (The journo obviously hasn't experienced the delights of SG estate yet!)

They also add that him and Anne-Marie Duff: 'share a ten-year old Micra' and...wait for it...shop in their local Budgens supermarket'!!

He'll be getting my vote come the Oscars...


  • edited January 2008
    It's [here](http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/showbiz/article-23433229-details/The+modest+heart-throb:+Atonement+star+James+McAvoy's+tiny+flat+and+£1,000+Nissan+Micra/article.do), along with a picture of his flat. There's also a great comment from "Stroud and Proud". *"Stroud Green, far from fashionable area of North London." *Stroud Green is home to a rising number of stars and fashionable creative types who make it fashionable, but equally couldn't give two hoots what the likes of the Standard think of it. Actually, once the ES starts declaring the area's desirability it'll be all over... - Stroud And Proud, Stroud Green, London, UK
  • edited 9:40AM
    Also, shopping in that Budgens is not cheap! It's dead expensive. You could go to M&S Simply Food and save money.
  • edited 9:40AM
    so long as you don't stop for a bite to eat at the Italian food hall. Har har!

    Thanks for the link Andy - what a God (James McAvoy that is though I'm sure you're not far off!)
  • edited 9:40AM
    I think the comment makes a good point - as soon as the Evening Standard says it's good to live in sgr, it's time to go.
  • edited 9:40AM
    We need to hijack that page on the ES site with comments but I'm too tired at the moment to think of any.

    SG is a 'celebrity' haven at the moment... Last Friday I saw Dev from Coronation Street outside Nandos only then to go to the World's End to see that I'm a 'celebrity' tw** Marc Bannerman.
  • edited January 2008
    Excellent comments from Stroud and Proud!

    I have seen Dev from Corrie once on the Tube and once in Crouch End, but not on SGR so far...
  • LizLiz
    edited January 2008
    James McAvoy has featured on these hallowed pages before too - quite a long way down this thread: <http://www.stroudgreen.org/comments.php?DiscussionID=450>; I am impressed that I've only managed to mention that on SG.org once, I was so excited. Ages ago, I also shared a taxi from Milton Keynes to London with the lovely James M (long story, suffice to say it was Virgin Trains' fault) - just after State of Play had been on the telly. He was living in Gillespie Road at that point, and debating whether to go and do a big American soap which he'd been offered. Good choice, I'd say.
  • edited 9:40AM
    To complete this episode of stalking would someone be so kind as to put a marker in the directory for Mr MacAvoy's house? We probably need a new category, as well.

    < /sarcasm >
  • edited 9:40AM
    I've tried to have a think where it is, but I can't. I might do a recce with the picture sometime.
  • edited 9:40AM
    Let's respect the man. Such gauche stalking might suit grotty Evening-Standard-Approved areas like Notting Hill, but in SGR it's a little infra dig.
  • edited 9:40AM
    I saw it too and was horrified. I presume it's just lazy journalism and the fact that he doesn't live in Bishop's Avenue means he must live in an unfashionalbe area. I found it quite insulting to McAvoy and Duff. First they say they live in a grotty flat and then slag them off for having a car that's 10 years old. I suppose if he had a porsche and a posh house, he'd be slagged off for being out of touch with reality.

    If not having a Starbucks means we're unfashionable, then I'm glad.
  • edited 9:40AM
    I also thought Budgens was in Crouch End?
  • edited 9:40AM
    I don't know what 'infra dig' means. Should I bother to look it up?
  • edited 9:40AM
    "Beneath one's dignity."

    I had to look it up too.

    Personally I think the ES is hostis humani generis
  • edited 9:40AM
    Nemo gratis mendax
  • edited 9:40AM
    Ah yes ... bumping into JM in CATS ... happy days
  • That piece really got my goat. Not only did it slag off our good manor, but also So what if there are famous people who don't want to lord it up over the rest of the world because they're actually good at pretending to be Scottish Doctors in Uganda or Queen Elizabeth.

    I'm a bit calmer now but I did write a stroppy letter to the London Paper which they never published.
  • edited 9:40AM
    Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant.
  • edited 9:40AM
    <http://www.mwscomp.com/movies/brian/brian-08.htm>; reminds me of this, which was on TV last week
  • edited 9:40AM
    puer, puella
  • edited 9:40AM
    i know where the flat is but am not telling - it is in SG though not CE.

    the budgens reference is a bit misleading.
  • edited 9:40AM
    and the whole thing is a grotesque invasion of privacy
  • edited 9:40AM
    which is the last thing you would expect from the London Paper.
  • edited 9:40AM
    And now the article has been referenced in the Observer - Carole, if you're out there, let us know. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/magazine/story/0,,2245935,00.html
  • edited 9:40AM
    and it continues. Caitlin Moran of the Times shops in that Budgens too. *Don’t you dare diss Budgens* *Last week, the Daily Mail (always a reliable collection of the day’s maddest thoughts) had a story about the handsome, successful, talented British actor James McAvoy. “Despite” being nominated for a Bafta for his role in Atonementand “earning millions” for his roles in The Chronicles of Narnia and the upcoming Wanted with Angelina Jolie, he and his actress wife, the lovely Anne-Marie Duff, live in a “humble, tiny second floor-flat” in the “far from fashionable” North London area of Stroud Green. “Their car is a Nissan worth less that £1,000,” the Mail fretted, before adding, “and the couple shop in their local Budgens.”* *Now hang on a minute. Hang on a minute. I turned a blind eye when the Mail laid into Eastern European immigrants, abortion, working mothers, homosexuals, the NHS, the welfare state, Hillary Clinton, Stephen Fry and any scientific or sociopolitical advancement after 1878, but here – right here – I draw the line. Not Budgens, Daily Mail! Not on my watch! Not in my name! I go to that Budgens. And that Budgens is amazing. It has a whole section of produce grown within a 30-mile radius. It sells hemp bags. It sells homemade sticky-toffee puddings made by an old lady. It’s all “heritage sausages” this, and “grab-bags of sunflower seeds sprinkled with sweet smoked paprika” that. McAvoy, I can assure you, isn’t sitting around in a string vest, living on Dairylea Dunkers and cans of Nurishment. Or if he is, he’s not getting them from Budgens.* <http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/caitlin_moran/article3295063.ece?openComment=true>;
  • LizLiz
    edited 9:40AM
    The Times clearly pay her too much. For a whole variety of reasons.
  • edited 9:40AM

    This Budgens is obviously not representative of 'normal' budgens - hence the semi-celebrity following. A weird franchise thingy.
  • edited 9:40AM
    Same sort of thing with Londis on Ferme Park Road, it's head and shoulders above all other Londis I have ever seen in my life. Both shops are quite expensive, in my opinion
  • edited 9:40AM
    I often shop at the Ferme Park Londis and it is expensive, but I am always aghast at how expensive Budgens is - quite incredible.
  • edited 9:40AM
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