Building next to John Jones



  • edited 7:59PM
    there's a staircase up the side of the scaffolding which seems to be protected overnight by a bit of red and white warning tape and not much else. adventure?
  • edited 7:59PM
    I think we've agreed that even looking at what is happening to BNTJJ is dangerous enough, un. If you want something adventurous to do, go see the new Indiana Jones film. I dare you not to think it's utter, utter shit.
  • edited May 2008
    Hmm. I've read that the height of fashion at the moment is thinking exactly that. I'm a fan of the series, and even hired out a The Phoenix in Finchley for my 30th to show Raiders. None of them are Oscar worthy, they're all slapstick and don't take themselves seriously. Just good fun, really.
  • edited 7:59PM
    The latest isn't fun. At all.
  • IanIan
    edited 7:59PM
    Rubbish. Borderline unwatchable I didn't know whether to leave, fall asleep or watch the full horror unfurl. I unwisely chose the latter. 2hours 20 minutes I will never get back.
  • edited 7:59PM
    I kept turning round to look at the people behind me, much more interesting.
  • edited May 2008
    See, I know it will be shit but I'll still probably go see it, chuckle at the bad jokes, cliches and dadisms. I'll know I should be watching the better film next door but hey, its Indiana Jones. I'm with Matt, its doesn't take itself seriously and neither should the viewer. Bit of a confession here, but talking about captivating shit movies has reminded me of Petra and I's dark, dark addiction to [Swayze's Roadhouse]( Everytime its on we just can't help ourselves. We drop everything we're doing and watch it right through to the credits. I'm currently captivated by Superman 2 on Five.
  • edited May 2008
    Went to Indy it at Vue last night, enjoyed it. My typical Indy movie suspicions were confirmed.
  • edited 7:59PM
    Goodness I must sound like a snob, but really I'm not - Showgirls is one of my favourites, and recently I quite enjoyed What Happens in Vegas.
  • edited May 2008
    well the commies don't like it: "It's rubbish... In 1957 the communists did not run with crystal skulls throughout the US." <>;
  • edited 7:59PM
    signs up on the hoardings around the site warn of "deep excavations"... what could they be excavating?

    crystal skulls?
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