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Council Refuse Trucks late at night

edited September 2008 in Local discussion
Has anyone else noticed Haringey Council refuse trucks speeding around Stroud Green late at night (after 11pm)? Several seem to go up Florence Road every night. They're incredibly noisy.


  • edited 9:45AM
    They're probably clearing up the debris from the dead kids who piss around on whatever they can get there hands on. There was a young chap cycling backwards down Granville at 6am this morning - I was alerted as the bike he was on had the squeakiest brakes I've ever heard.
  • edited 9:45AM
    To be clear, I'm not having a moan about them picking up rubbish. They're not picking up rubbish. They are on their way somewhere, at speed, late at night, and making a lot of noise....

    that's all

    PS if, tosscat, this is yet again one of those topics you object to people sharing, please disregard.
  • edited 9:45AM
    Gosh, what did I do? I object to nothing on this site - I always imagine it to be a discussion forum and I tend to use it as such. My comment was a veiled attempt to bring the discussion to the wider issue of unusual out of hours noises that have been affecting the area of late.
  • edited 9:45AM
    Apologies, tosscat. I took it the wrong way in that case. I have been suffering from noisy neighbours and am perhaps a touch sensitive...
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