Marie i Monto?

edited September 2008 in Local discussion
I ate there last night and heard two guys saying, "Glad to see you open again." I'd never seen it open before and I've lived here for three years.

The food was ok and the staff were friendly.

Does anyone know if this place has just reopened or is it new?


  • IanIan
    edited 3:55PM
    I'm equally curious. I walked passed it this week and wondered why I had never spotted it before.
  • edited 3:55PM
    It's been open donkeys' years, but only until 6:00pm until quite recently. They've tried to go upmarket for the evenings with a different prix fixe menu and tablecloths and candles on the tables. The food - in the day - is very good for the price and is my favourite of all the cafes on SGR and nearby.

    I don't know whether there's been a change in ownership but the couple that usually work in there during the day haven't been around for the last week or so.
  • edited 3:55PM
    Also, there's been some work going on in Lorenzo's (closed Greek place, opposite Rose) this week. It looks constructive work, as opposed to destructive.
  • AliAli
    edited 3:55PM
    Had a flyer for the place last night. It is going to be to quote " A welcome to the mediteranean aroma "

    It will offereing mediterranean breakfasts and Frappessimo waht ever that is ( you get a blank return on google)

    No opening date but there will be Opening Offers !
  • AliAli
    edited 3:55PM
    Forgot to say it is going to be called:

    Cafe Metolino
  • edited 3:55PM
    This is unrelated but a photo from the menu of the fast food pizza place opposite ![COMBILE YOUR FAVARITE FLOVOURS IN ON PIZZA.]( COMBILE YOUR FAVARITE FLOVOURS IN ON PIZZA.
  • edited 3:55PM
    Just to make Katiejane happy, can I point out that it's actually called Mari e Monti (seas and mountains).
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