Venezia ... pizza delivery

edited November 2008 in Reviews
Well Firezza was OK but nothing special ... so I decided to pick up the leaflet dropped through my letterbox the other day from Venezia, 88 Stroud Green Road.

I have nothing good to say. Here is a list of my woes:

* The leaflet dropped through my letter box had inaccurate prices (I was charged about £2 more for my pizza ... as per the NEW menu also delivered with my order)
* It was expensive
* I claimed my 20% discount for a first order, and it was promptly not added to the bill
* The pizza was late (over 45 mins despite only having to travel from Stroud Green Road ... Firezza come round in 20 mins)
* The pizza was cold
* The pizza dough was chewy ... a new experience for me
* ungenerous toppings

Overall, very, very disappointing.

Normally I would have refused to pay / called up to complain .. but on this occasion I was so hungover, tired and starving hungry that I overlooked the issues vowing never to use them again and to warn you all.

Why can't Papagone or Porchetta deliver? Why is it so hard to get a half decent pizza delivered?


  • To expand on SimonB's post... why is it that so few places deliver? In New York, you can get anything delivered, day or night, usually for free, plus tip. There is no better feeling on a rainy day than to open your door to a man carrying a hot 3-course meal packed into neat containers.

    I've asked a number of New Yorkers about this. The consensus seems to be that the reason why every place delivers is that there are a lot of Puerto Ricans, who are willing to work for very little money.

    Surely we have just as many low-paid immigrants in London...?
  • edited 8:29PM
    I haven't tried it since it changed hands. I too recieved a menu through my door and it looks over priced for the area. Also, the prices in related to the sizes make no sense, way too confusing... and for those reasons, i'm out!

    ... 1/2 meter... 1/4 meter... 9 inches... just sell me a bloody pizza for 1 x reasonable price please!
  • edited 8:29PM
    How about Dominos? At least it's 'good' rubbish? I mean why bother TRYING to get decent food in this awful country when you might as well save a few quid and order some junk.
  • edited 8:29PM
    @ predicaments - are you american by any chance?
  • edited 8:29PM
    only eat dominos pizza if you think that bombing family planning clinics is acceptable
  • edited 8:29PM
    *"..why bother TRYING to get decent food in this awful country..."* that's a bit of a..... blanket statement
  • edited 8:29PM
    I know I can be stroppy but, good lord predicaments! Who want to sign my 'predicaments go away' petition? Or maybe we could have a whip round to buy poor old predicaments one of [these](
  • edited 8:29PM
    Ill sign a Tosscat goaway one instead!
  • edited 8:29PM
    Tosscat, have you got one? Those winter light things are AWESOME. We've got one of these. It really does rock the world. I can't say enough things about it. <>; On a dark winter morning, it transforms your mood from 'absolutely-bloody-suicidal-it's-too-dark-and-cold-to-get-up' to 'mildly-curmudgeonly'
  • edited 8:29PM
    You should start one up Bridget - positive action and all that. Can you pop my signature at the top. Although in the words of Zack Mayo, "I've got nowhere else to go, I've got nowhere else to go". Andy, I don't have one but have often considered it, are they really that good?
  • edited 8:29PM
    @ tosscat

    I have one and it has revolutionised my morning life - stops the alarm clock snooze addiction.
  • edited 8:29PM
    I'm sorely tempted, but does anyone know anywhere that might sell one that isn't quite so ugly.
  • edited November 2008
    they are brilliant, but alas, they are all ugly. And whilst we're on the subject on ugly but brilliant sleep related gadgets, I've also got a [sleeptracker]( which is really good if you're travelling.
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