SGR closed?

edited November 2008 in Local discussion
I got off the tube about 50 mins ago at FP station and as I was leaving there was an announcement that the W7 etc would not be able to reach the tube as SGR was closed due to police activity. I live on SGR close to the 7sisters end and didn't see a thing!


  • a 210 bus just drove down woodstock road.
  • and another one!

    you wait for seven years and then two...

    and a w3 just now!

    def something going on. does anyone actually live on SGR? i'm curious, but i'm not leaving my house.
  • edited 11:03AM
    Sgr is taped off outside Christopher Charles and there is a CSI-type tent outside Hummingbird. There were a lot of police outside when I just walked past and they were carrying the chairs outside for some reason.
  • edited 11:03AM
    We were in Petek when it happened - a stabbing supposedly. There were lots of sirens, but I was focusing on my veg fiesta at the time. We only realised the severity when we came out and saw the extent of the cordon, and there was still some shouting and aggro going on. If I didn't know better I would have thought it was a full moon last night. Lots of attitude on the buses because of the diversions.
  • edited 11:03AM
    Any more info on this?

    I came home around 11 last night and all was cordoned off, white tent etc. Then heard a helicopter a few times.

    Nothing on the Beeb about it.
  • edited 11:03AM
    more importantly @ tosscat - did you finish your veg fiesta? I can never manage w hole one, probably because I eat too much of the flat bread and chilli/pear dip.
  • edited 11:03AM
    They only seem to hit the headlines when there's a death. @ KJ - Yes I did. As a seasoned Petek goer I know never to have a starter and to lay off the bread. I sometimes want to point out to them that if they made their mains smaller they would sell more starters, but everytime I think about it my mouth is full of the far-too-much Turkish Delight they've given me at the end. Mmmmmm.
  • edited 11:03AM
    talking of petek, the second prize in the SG primary winter fair raffle is "dinners at various local restaurants" - how many I wonder? Could be quite a good prize, better than the first which is £100.
  • edited 11:03AM
    I live on SGR but right by the tube where the last stabbing happened a few weeks back. It's always nice to return home from work and hear that your road is taped off. I guess some people just havnt found their festive spirit yet.
  • AliAli
    edited 11:03AM
    Get very excited about the SG School raffle, there are quite a feWE\B at the moment. . Can’t say much but the Pancake place has donated and Peteks is one also.

    It is very difficult to walk into places and ask for a freebie for the school because they are all very worried about what is going on and are struggling.

    The School Winter Fair is next Friday between 3pm and 5pm.

    Go and support it and help and raise some funds for the kids and support the people who make it happen.

    It is hard work making it happen and so easy for others to complain, help and get involved !
  • edited December 2008
    @ Ali - hope you don't think I'm complaining - far from it! Obviously there's more than one second prize. All I was saying was that it multiple meals in SG restaurants would be one hell of a prize.

    And, err, I am involved.
  • edited 11:03AM
    @ ali, katiejane - put it on the calendar!
  • edited 11:03AM
    Live on Stroud Green road, have done for 2 years and quite proudly discovered this site when searching for said stabbing.

    I asked the Police what happened as I wasn't allowed into my house - there response was 'there's been a serious stabbing, there's blood everywhere we can't let you through until the soc officers arrive'

    I love their tact, no 'oh there's been an incident', just straight in for the kill with there's blood everywhere.

    Funnily enough I didn't see any.

    Oh and hello other members of sgr. Long live N4
  • edited 11:03AM
    Yay Soco! I'm gonna start tomming up Quermore to get some previous.
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