Taxi Scam

edited December 2008 in Local discussion
Hello SG

I am a new member but have been a regular viewer of the board for a while now.

I just wanted to warn people of a woman who knocked at my door last night claiming to live 3 doors down with her husband Steve, who was in hospital, and who she urgently needed £6.50 for a the taxi ride to see him. She was very adamant that she was a neighbour and declared complete surprise that I didn’t recognise her. However, she had recently played the same trick on the old lady who lives next door to me and who had given her £20 and so forewarned I sent her on her way. She scampered quickly when I rang the next door bell so she could repay my neighbour while she was here!

This was on Tollington Park but I imagine she’s routinely hitting all the streets.



  • edited 10:32PM
    Please please please can the next person hit up by Mr Williams say "yes yes £6.50, Steve, Taxi, we know - you're the one everyone's writing about on the internet"
  • edited 10:32PM
    She did the same to mum in Haslemere Road Crouch End and then about 6 weeks ago at 12.00am our bell rang and my husband stuck his head out the window to be greeted with the same story about being a neighbour etc. He didnt recognise her and was a bit freaked out as it was late and closed the window. So she is still going strong.
  • edited 10:32PM
    I'll tell her to go easy. She worries a little too much.
  • edited 10:32PM
    i forgot to say that a few weeks ago a man came up to me by the world's end and said his daughter had been taken to hospital and he needed some money for a taxi. i asked which hospital and he said, er, i don't know but i can ring the ambulance and find out. then he offered to give me his rolex and passport and cameraphone as deposit for taxi money. needless to say, i told him to go away. but he was almost crying! i did feel bad. but there was no way he was telling the truth. i think we should play scamster bingo. i've nearly got a line.
  • edited 10:32PM
    Our friendly neighbour Mrs. Williams just called by Oxford Road. The wee dear was only after £8.50 for some taxi money to get to work and was terribly embarrassed, and she lost her contact lens and I expect her dog ate her homework too.
  • edited 10:32PM
    I love the fact that she never changes her name. It's touchingly naive. Please someone tell her about twitter or something.
  • edited 10:32PM
    If we ever encounter 'Mrs Williams' I'm going to try to get a photo of her so I can post it.

    Or can anyone who has seen her already <a href="" target="_blank">create a photofit</a>.
  • edited 10:32PM
    Is she a rather rotund individual? Tall? Dark hair, early 30's? Hangs out with Pete the Big Issue seller at the White Lion of Mortimer? She used to hang at the station, with a wheely trolley, telling the same old sob story and scamming people for money which she promptly spent at the aforementioned pub...she did it on the bus once and i fair near lost it with her. She makes my blood boil....
  • edited 10:32PM
    My attempt at a photo fit was rubbish, but I can remember a few details. She is afro-caribean, perhaps in her 30s, has distinguishing teeth (although I can't exactly remember why). I don't remember her being particularly rotund. I'd say fairly lean and tall, say 5' 8, with a local moderately well-spoken north london accent.
  • edited 10:32PM
    i love the word "rotund".

    that is all.
  • edited 10:32PM
    Unfortunately I too was suckered in - a temporary lapse in senses.

    I had a black women, quite slim built, maybe around 40ish, wearing a red head scarf wrap. I'm agreeing with Pseudonym with the distinguished teeth - they were quite bright and white. and well spoken. I think I would recognise her if I saw her - I'm waiting.

    There was that lady at the bus stop that was older and a bit round who asked for some bus money. Haven't seen her for ages though.
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