Stroud Green is officially a high crime area

edited September 2008 in Local discussion
Seems like Stroud Green is officially a high crime area.

Go to the new Crime Maps site at
Use the postcode search

58 Burglary, robbery and vehicle
crimes during July. When you oll at the yearly trend it is going up.

Slightly worrying although when I put Lorne Rd in it is average


  • edited September 2008
    After an average June, much of Crouch End and upper SG saw a shock doubling in crime in July, one area a tenfold increase.

    From two to twenty. Possibly due to tire slashing just outside the CPZ borders ...
  • edited September 2008
    Haringey is coming down, while Stroud Green bucks the trend and increases.

    Crime trends in this area.Burglary, robbery and vehicle crime by financial year:<table cellpadding="2" border ="1">
    <tr><td>Your Area</td><td>2005/6</td><td>2006/7</td><td>2007/8</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Stroud Green</td><td>390</td><td>436</td><td>520</td></tr>
  • edited 8:01PM
    I think our street had more burglaries than normal and must have skewed the numbers. couple of houses were being done up and buggers got through the houses and round into back gardens. seems to have gone quiet again now though!
  • edited 8:01PM
    Another burglary in our street last night (our next neighbours). Getting in round the back and jumping over fences.

    Seems like it must have happened a c.9pm as well, which is a bit brazen.

    Feels like there's a pretty serious problem with domestic burglaries at the moment.
  • FinFin
    edited 8:01PM
    You must live on Evershot Road Andy. The break in was 2 doors down from me, 4 young guys in hoodies, 3 of whom kept look out while the fourth jumped over a fence and broke in round the back as you say.

    Police arrived very quickly and are sending round forensics today, which to me indicates they know there's a gang operating in the area and they want to catch them.

    Keep 'em peeled.
  • edited 8:01PM
    Yes - I'm next door on the other side. Just talked to the forensics person and she said burglaries are really high at the moment.
  • edited 8:01PM
    There was a car set on fire on Blythwood road a couple of weeks ago - obviously stolen and dumped. Scary thing was it 'exploded' ... which is how I discovered it (my windows banged with the pressure).

    Not seen anything like that around here ever before.
  • edited 8:01PM
    We had a suspicious man ring our bell in the morning and ask for someone who didnt live here, he seemed really dodgy.

    We have had break ins at 8.00pm in the road a few times. So be extra vigilant.

    They are watching houses. There was a few on the corner here watching the other day which made me feel very uncomfortable.
  • edited 8:01PM
    A few what?
  • edited 8:01PM
    burglar bills - that's what!
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