British Military Fitness

edited March 2009 in Local discussion
Does anyone do the British Military Fitness classes in Finsbury Park? Are they good? Will I die of exhaustion?


  • edited 4:40AM
    i'm a complete wuss and i enjoy it thoroughly. there are 3 levels of difficulty so you can totally hang back in the slow group if you're feeling weak/lazy...
  • edited 4:40AM
    They are fantastic! I've been going for two years (on and off). Started dragging unaesthetic along last November.

    The slowest group used to be a lot harder. Now there are a few genuinely obese people in it, which slows everyone down. The middle group and the fast group are still good, though.

    Give it a go. The first class is free, so you don't have much to lose.

    I'd start with a Saturday morning class, if I were you. The weekday evening ones are still in the dark. It's hard to see what the instructor is doing. Best to familiarise yourself with the exercises (and the park) is broad daylight.
  • edited 4:40AM
    Top group is called Deep Cut
  • edited 4:40AM
    They should call the groups Team Seagal, Team Stallone & Team Van Damme. I'm not sure about order. I'm thinking Van Damme the fittest group, Seagal the sloths, but I'm open to suggestions.
  • edited 4:40AM
    British military fitness and you couldn't come up with three British action heroes? So you went for to Americans and a Belgian?
  • edited March 2009
    The three groups should be called Connery, Moore and Lazenby. Or Paxman, Guru-Murthy and Madeley.
  • edited 4:40AM
    Cram, Coe & Ovett if it makes you feel better. I was simply going for cheese perhaps unfairly disregarding nationality.
  • edited 4:40AM
    Cif, Muscle and Cillit Bang?
  • edited 4:40AM
    having been there a number of times, i think the traditional "good, bad, ugly" works pretty well.
  • edited March 2009
    Oooh, I like the sound of the slow class. I'll fit right in. How early on a Saturday though? Perhaps they can have good old British Mitchell names: Grant, Phil and Billy/Peggy.
  • edited 4:40AM
    Finsbo class times: Tue - 6pm & 7.30pm; Thurs - 7.30pm; Sat - 11.30am. Classes last an hour. Meet at the building with the cafe.
  • edited 4:40AM
    Excellent, I've just about persuaded myself to go. But will they make me do press-ups?
  • edited 4:40AM
    yeah, 'fraid so. i'm rubbish at them, but way better than when i started! press-ups aren't the worst by any means... just wait till you encounter the burpie!
  • edited 4:40AM
    burpies are the purest form of evil.
  • edited 4:40AM
    Don't like the sound of those!
  • edited 4:40AM
    How much are the classes?
  • edited 4:40AM
    The first class is free. If you sign up within 24 hours of your free class, there's no joining fee. After that, it's £35.00 a month for one class a week, or £46.00 a month for unlimited classes, at any of the locations. There's also a corporate membership, which costs £38.00 a month. It used to be that the only way you could get that is by working for a company that has a deal with BMF (there are lots). Now, anyone can get that rate if you have an Eros card (which is free).

    So, basically, it's £38.00 a month for unlimited classes. They also have several running clubs, but none at Finsbury Park. The closest is in Hampstead.

    Putting all the cards on the table... I've just found out that BMF is doing a referral scheme until the end of the month. So if anyone decides to join, I'd be most grateful it if you could put me or unaesthetic down as the person who referred you. ('Whisper' me, and I'll give you the names.) I think we'd get a discount, or a month free, or something.
  • edited 4:40AM
    £38 a month is more than I pay for my gym, and that's inside, with all kind of equipment, a pool and steam room, unlimited all day access and doesn't have an army bloke shouting at me.
  • edited 4:40AM
    With BMF, you're paying for the bloke shouting at you.

    Does your gym membership include a trainer? Personally, I'm much too lazy to try my hardest at the gym for 60 minutes straight. I need someone standing over me, making me run faster, push harder, do just one more sit-up, etc. And that's what I get with BMF. And it's a whole lot cheaper than hiring a trainer.

    Also, it's fun. Everyone seems to have a great time.

    If you have the motivation to do it on your own, you're certainly a stronger person than I am.
  • edited 4:40AM
    Yes, some need more/different motivation than others. Having consistently failed to go to the gym despite its being so close to my flat I can almost see it from my window, I will be grateful for military intervention into my fitness regime. In fact I'm a bit disappointed that BMF instructors will not be armed.

    Plus I think you can also do a pay as you go scheme and buy a 'carnet' of classes, so you don't have to do a regular membership if you fear you may get into the habit of not turning up. My gym offers no similar scheme, and given how little I use it it ends up costing me about £100 an hour.
  • edited 4:40AM
    which is the best gym in the area?
  • edited March 2009
    Predicaments, you could make a mint hanging out in Finsbury Park shouting at people. Beats working for a living.
  • edited March 2009
    does anyone have the website or contact for this, might give it a go!
    I go to Virgin gym in crouch end which is very good (i think)
  • edited 4:40AM
    That sounds like tons of fun! I'm hoping I can actually maintain my enthusiasm and drag myself and the lad there this saturday. If you want me to do any kind of referral (if I do haul my lazy behind there) let me know, and maybe you'll get a kitten in a wellie as a reward. Or something else just as good.
  • edited 4:40AM
    Righto, will do! I will be summoning energy throughout the week to not lay in till 1, and get a wheezing down the park. Fingers crossed.
  • edited 4:40AM
    The gym I use is great - GLL (part public / part private) at Clissold Leisure Centre on Clissold Road. £39 a month gets you a massive pool, decent gym, all the classes (yoga, spinning etc etc) you can manage and optional squash, sauna, steam, jacuzzi etc.
    Only been a member for about 3 months but I'm really pleased with it.
  • edited 4:40AM
    @ Staplejack I use the Fitness First on Green Lanes at the top of the Finsbury Park. Despite being completely soul less and the only extras are a sauna and a steam room the weights are pretty good and there's a decent amount of machines. I go in the day time and it's never too crowded.

    BMF sounds good, can I bring myself to put on a tracksuit and get to the park though???
  • edited 4:40AM
    They were playing stick in the mud yesterday. It looked like fun.
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