Gardener Needed

edited March 2009 in Local discussion
Good Morning

Anyone know of a good gardening company who works locally?
We need some plants chopped back, weeding etc. Would be great if you've used them before with success.

ps - Would also like to take this opportunity to complain about the pothole on Stroud Green Road just by the car wash. Always filled with water... always seem to time my journey with the arrival of some huge van that sends muddy water across my trousers.


  • edited March 2009
    Apparently the pothole is under the water company's jurisdiction. Didn't I witness some half-arsed roadwork type barriers being put up around it a few weeks ago? Then nothing happened and now they're gone? Makes me laugh, if it were a cable co wanting to put a line in for some new business they'd have the road up, back down and sealed within a day, that pothole has been around since last year hasn't it?
  • edited 6:40AM
    the pothole temporarily killed my car. Loads of water splashed up through the engine and all over the electrics, took 1/2 an hour to start it again
  • edited 6:40AM
    Pothole looked like it was finally being fixed yesterday evening as I cycled past.
  • edited 6:40AM
    I know it's annoying, but I quite like the pothole. It reminds me of some sort of video game in real life.
  • edited 6:40AM
    i never got covered in filthy water while playing frogger though.

    well, maybe there was that one time...
  • edited 6:40AM

    Gardener for hire cheap
    There's a guy called Ian Loosemore who lives on Hanley Road. He came to do our garden a couple of weeks ago. He charged £15 per hour, took two and a half hours and made it look amazing. His number's 020 7281 2506.

    Ian is Really Good. He lives locally and works hard.
  • edited 6:40AM
    There's a feller with white hair who drinks in the Nic (narrowing it down somewhat) who is a freelance gardener...
  • edited 6:40AM
    Ian Loosemore is brilliant - he did my garden and is really good value.
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