
A bit of a niche topic this one I'm afraid but is anyone else being driven insane by the alarm that has been going off in a property on Ossian Road at random times over the last few days? It's going off at the moment in fact. Although Tuesday morning from 5 'til 5.30 am was my favourite so far. What does one do in this sort of situation?


  • edited 6:39AM
    call the council noise team
  • edited 6:39AM
    We called the council noise team once after the people next door wouldn't turn down their terrible music. The man turned up, rang our bell, and asked to come in and measure the noise level. It was 4am. We were in pyjamas. In bed. Trying to sleep. You could hear the music perfectly from outside. Unaesthetic told him to go away.

    Just sayin'. If you call the noise team, they may ask to come into your house in the middle of the night to do a noise test.

    Earplugs may be a better solution.
  • edited 6:39AM
    They have to legally prove its above a certain level from your residence, not just the street.
  • edited 6:39AM
    Why not just stick a note through the door? they might be out when it's happening and totally unaware of the problem...
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