Short Car Journeys from SG...

edited May 2009 in Local discussion
Does anyone have any ideas for jolly trips out from SGR, BY CAR? We are getting our first car this weekend, and I'd love some ideas of nice places to visit, maybe an hour or so's drive away... Thanks


  • edited 12:34AM
    Depending on your time of day, an hour's drive could be ..... ooooh .... Coppett's Wood ..... Barnet Common. That out-of-town shopping centre off the A10 at....well, you know what I mean.

    I don't own a car and I find I find that by using a train, with a network railcard, in an hour and a half I can be in the Sussex Weald, the Greensand Ridge near Dorking, up the Thames Valley near Pangbourne or in Cambridge.

    A bit more expensive I suppose, but at least you don't have to bother about parking permits :-)
  • edited 12:34AM
    We got to Maldon and surrounding area in just about an hour on the Bank Holiday morning. That part of Essex/Suffolk is quite pretty with good pubs and good walks.
  • edited 12:34AM
    Yep, up past Potter's Bar is your best bet from here.
  • edited 12:34AM
    I've resigned myself to never having a car :(
  • edited 12:34AM
    @tosscat - I've got a really nice souped-up black Fiat for sale, all four wheels, engine, everything. Yours to collect - £200. Interested?
  • edited 12:34AM
    Thanks all for suggestions, gona plan a couple of day trips for this weekend as we've ballsed up the parking permits!
  • edited 12:34AM
    I went to get my parking permit this week and after compiling lots of paperwork to prove the company car was mine even though non of the documentation is in my name, the girl at the counter didnt even read it! She simply grunted and handed me the permit which I am greatful for but wish I hadn't put in so much effort.
  • AliAli
    edited 12:34AM
    This will give you some ideas
  • edited 12:34AM
    I am a member of the National Trust. But I think it has been described with some justification as something like 'a network of car parks in the middle of the countryside, with some nice houses attached'.

    I spent Saturday in the Ouse Valley near Newhaven. Total travel outlay: £13. Plus tube. Not bad, I thought. Fitted in a visit to Virginia Woolf's country cottage and a cream tea too.
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