Help sought: Cycle route

edited June 2009 in Local discussion
Due to pending tube strike I am planning on cycling from Stroud Green to Paddington tomorrow morning (and possibly thereafter if all goes well). I am getting conflicting route suggestions from TfL, Google Maps etc and thought that the massed bands of might have some suggestions. I think it is about 5 miles, which I would have thought would be about 20-25mins. TfL reckon closer to 40mins with a crazy route. Contrary to TfL's suggestion I am thinking of aiming for Camden, through Regent's Park and on to Euston Road (more like google's suggestion). Anyone have any experience of this route, comments or advice? Is my estimation on time broadly right (am not a *very* fit, er, athlete - ahem)


  • edited 9:35PM
    Euston Road won't be very nice for cycling in the morning. It might be slightly longer distance-wise but you can cycle all the way to Paddington along the canal from Camden. This map has the details: <>;
  • edited June 2009
    CORRECTION: It's not quite true to say that you can cycle ALL the way to Paddington on the canal, there is a fiddly bit at Lisson Grove. I've walked but not cycled this route. I'm sure plenty more people will be along with suggestions shortly.
  • AliAli
    edited 9:35PM
    You can get an escorted ride in tomorrow see

    • The London Cycle Campaign will also be leading five escorted cycle rides into central London at 7.45am tomorrow and on Thursday from Finsbury Park main gate, Mile End Green Bridge, Ravenscourt Park, Brixton Road and Swiss Cottage
  • AliAli
    edited 9:35PM
    Have look at going through Camden, then the back of Regenst Park to St Joohns Wood and then down through Madia Vale. TfL timings are actually quite accurate
  • edited 9:35PM
    I don't have a bicycle, but I'm curious. What is an escorted cycle ride? Escorted by whom?

    Took the Piccadilly line home tonight, no problem.
  • edited 9:35PM
    Ali - thanks for the warning about the escorted mob from Finsbury Park. I can't imagine wanting to ride in that, so I'll be getting off sharpish.
  • RegReg
    edited 9:35PM
    Thanks for all your help. I made it and did it in 25 mins (including a few wrong turns). Crossed Hornsey Road on to Bavaria, left then right on to Kingsdown, across Holloway Road and a few lefts and rights on to Tufnell Park Road, down past Kentish Town almost to Camden, right on to Hawley Cres, clockwise round Regents Park, on to Euston Road (not that bad in the bus lane but will look for alternatives) and a few lefts and rights on to Paddington. @jamie_l, the camden site was excellent, thanks Ali, I'm going to try your way on the way home
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