
  • edited July 2009
    <i>"Where else along one road in Islington can you find two of the best pizza restaurants outside of Rome, a bohemian Turkish bistro, a south Indian vegetarian café, a pancake house, a far eastern restaurant, an Indonesian eating place, a south American canteena and a historical pub and eaterie?</i>

    Indonesian? Where?
  • edited 5:56AM
    Historical pub and eaterie? Where?
  • AliAli
    edited 5:56AM
    The White Lion? it was the first large Wetherspons pub !

    It did open in the year that Diego Maradona scored his famous ‘hand of god’ goal and Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson so is sort of historical !
  • edited July 2009
    Isn't this the sort of stuff we should be getting behind? Maybe they didn't ask us to sign the petition because they knew we'd all just moan and find fault...
  • edited 5:56AM
    Happy to play the contrary one @phantom_user and not moan :-)

    Sure, there's plenty more that could/should be done, but in the last few years there's been a huge amount of repaving, CCTV, lots of road resurfacing (though leaving us our heritage potholes), much improved street lighting and also the horrible traffic jams have largely been cracked. (Remember when two buses trying to pass each other caused tailbacks all the way up most of the road?).

    Whether you like what the money has gone on or not, complaining about "little investment" (as the person in the article does) doesn't ring true to me.
  • edited 5:56AM
    Who are these 100 people?

    On the Islington side, by the sound of it.

    Prompted by...?

    Not knocking it. Just interested. Sounds like a sideswipe at Islington Council to me though.
  • edited 5:56AM
    I saw it - it sounded super Islington centric to me.
  • edited 5:56AM
    Hello, been reading for a while now but never commented on anything.

    I'm one of these 100 people. The lady is one of my neighbours on Regina Road, who I'd not met before, and asked if I'd like to sign the petition.

    I gladly did. It is very Islington-centric for a shared Islington/Haringey Road, but then the point was it was being sent to Islington council by Islington taxpayers and that report, I think, is originally from the Islington Gazette.

    I reckon, despite the two stops from Paris stuff, that this is a pretty valid petition. Stroud Green Road is probably one of the most vibrant streets I can think of, but that's despite the councils' efforts not because of them. And I think Islington may be more the problem than Haringey here.

    Walk up SGR of an evening and the pavement is littered with businesses' bin bags waiting to be collected and covered in rubbish, the Islington side of the road does look undeniably shabby and that's shabby dirty not shabby chic. Speak to the local business owners and from street improvements, to cleaning, to the over zealous parking wardens and ludicrously high parking charges, they are not happy with the council.

    I don't want SGR to be Upper St or Crouch End Broadway but walk down either of those two streets and you'll notice that they get a lot more attention paid to them than we do here.

    I understand what you're saying in the council's defence Mark, but surely all that stuff is just the bare minimum they should be doing in order to keep the street functioning on the post basic level. ie the paving had to be replaced it was lethal (and still is in places) and the potholes were craters.

    We should all hammer both councils for more and demand they give SGR what it deserves.
  • edited 5:56AM
    That'll be 'most basic level' not post basic

    And I forgot to add, I think the Indonesian may be Cats (which is obviously Thai). Took me a while to work that out: was really excited about a new hidden Indonesian restaurant for a while
  • edited 5:56AM
    I still want to know where this historical pub is.

    Could it be the Faltering Fulback aka the Walter Scott (origin of many of the street names in the area)?

    Or the Larrik which was the Stapleton Hall Tavern and therefore goes back to about the 14th century....?

    Or the Olde dairy c 1834? (but not originally a pub)

    I think we should be told.
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