Music's going to be an ace summer!

With the predictable news that RISE will not be on this year and coupled with Stokefest not happening this's going to be a quiet year in our neck of the woods.

My sadness is short lived as a quick scout around the festival websites showed some excellent events. I already have Glastonbury and V tickets but I'm thinking that SW4 and Lovebox could be good one dayers. I saw David Guetta who is playing at SW4 last year at Pacha in Ibiza and he played an awesome set and Lovebox has Rodrigo and Gabriella and Duran Duran....ACE! What do others have planned, is there anything else going on worth getting tickets for to save us buying them outside from the odious touts?

I need all this to look forward to after the winter of crunch!


  • edited 4:39PM
    Lovebox is alright and safe enough. MASSIVE police presence last year. Lots of undercover polis and a viewing tower overlooking the main stage. Would have been good if you didn't have to wait 15+ minutes for a beer on the saturday.

    Orbital at Get Loaded in Clapham should be good.

    Shame Stokefest isn't on. Understand with no Unite support that RISE isn't on - but surely some kind of music event would be possible with council backing. Seems Council Tax just goes on depressing stuff nowadays.
  • edited 4:39PM
    I was at Lovebox both days last year and really enjoyed it. Can't say I noticed the police much, but I didn't really pay much attention.
  • edited 4:39PM
    I've booked two at the moment. As mentioned on a different post off to Latitude which should awesome (Regina Spektor & Passion Pits confirmed over the weekend). Then going to Field Day on Victoria Park <>; I went last year and it was pretty terrible - rained solidly, no readmittance if you left the site, couldn't see the stage because of the ocean of umbrellas, sound was poor, not enough toilets. However this year Mogwai are headlining so I could resist (plus their engineers have signed off the sound so it must be better?) I also really want to go to ATP Nightmare Before Christmas which looks incredible <>; but doubt I'll be able to persuade my friends to go - couldn't find anyone to go to the similarly amazing ATP vs The Fans...
  • edited 4:39PM
    I didn't go to Field day last year after experiencing the shambles that was 2007 (feeble sound, hardly any toilets, no free water, 1hr+ queues at the bar). If they didn't manage to sort it out last year, no way am I going back (even if Fennesz is on the bill, damn it).

    Going to ATPvFans and (hopefully, social logistics permitting) the Nightmare before Christmas ones James mentions. Also Supersonic, even if that is in Birmingham. Ugh.

    For something a little more mainstream, I'd like to get to one of either Latitude or Green Man too. Whichever one it rains at, that is the one I'll have chosen to go to, no doubt.
  • edited 4:39PM
    Shame, I like the look of the Field line up, something I can't say for Lovebox. They all seem rather expensive for local park gigs though, you know the drinks and food will be extortionate as it is. Still the queues help keep the budget down.
  • edited 4:39PM
    To be fair to Field Day there were a lot more bars and toilets in 08 than 07. There weren't really queues for the bars but the toilets were still a problem - largely due to rubbish organisation (there weren't separate queues for the toilets and the urinals etc). Hopefully 09 will be another step forward - if there's not torrential rain again it should be fun. I'm deeply jealous mapsa - ATPvFans looks so, so good.
  • Hmmm, all look very interesting. What are the events in Butlins like?

    I just looked at their site and see they have Animal Collective playing at Brixton in August. That is going to be fantastic - their latest album - - is already being called the album of 2009! Get your tickets while they last....
  • edited 4:39PM
    Was really hoping there'd be something 'local' to look forward to in SG/nearby.

    Losing the free festivals is a sad state of affairs. Not an essential service, granted, but one of the few opportunities for a big community event across all backgrounds. Had a look on Haringey council website, nothing under their events calendar that I could see.

    Found a link to 'Freerange Festival' (also at Clissold Park) but nothing for 2009. Anyone any info on this?
  • edited 4:39PM
    There should be a festival!
  • edited 4:39PM
    speaking of sg festivals, the neighbourhood day is soon up here on the Upper East side
  • edited 4:39PM
    Whatever you do dont go to Get Loaded in the Park. I went last year and it was far too quiet. About as loud as my mum playing a tape in the next room. Seriously. The lineup does look awesome though.....
  • edited 4:39PM
    Is anyone going to Latitude?
  • edited 4:39PM
    going to amphi festival in cologne this weekend
  • benben
    edited 4:39PM
    I'm going to Latitude.

    Weather forecast: rain.
  • edited 4:39PM
    Going to BeatDay in Copenhagen (for Band of Horses!) and Beachdown in Brighton for The Fall.

    Didn't hear about Sundae In The Park now it's sold out which is a shame, haven't seen Teenage Fanclub in years. Maybe I should start reading Time Out rather than thinking 'I should cancel this cr@p, the columns aren't worth squits'. Doh.
  • edited 4:39PM
    Latitude will be great, I hope the weather holds for you - I saw Doves at Glastonbury and they were excellent and Grace Jones at Somerset House was really good too so make sure you check them out.

    @ Optimo - I've been to a few gigs on the common and there are always people with either too many tix selling their spares or touts so if you really want to go, head down there as sure you will get in.

    Tonight, Pendulum at Somerset House and Lovebox this weekend - the experience of a festival...but with a bed!
  • edited 4:39PM
    Thank you bftb.

    You best get the beers in before Lovebox, the beer/tequila queues on the Saturday last year were *a joke* (30mins+!!). And watch out for the plain clothes, there are loads of 'em...
  • edited 4:39PM
    Lovebox drinks queues were much much much shorter at the tent by the funny house/dance bit. You could walk straight up there or wait for an hour by the big stages.
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