local yoots with chips on their shoulders.

edited July 2009 in Local discussion
Walking down Crouch Hill just now as I approached the Hanley Road junction I saw a young gentleman in a black and white leeeesure suit round the corner walking towards me. He was in the middle of the pavement as was I. I picked the right-hand side and walked close to the wall of The Dairy. He then deliberately drifted to his left, leaving me with insufficient space between him and the wall.

As we approached I had to stop and he had to side-step around me muttering something under his breath. I turned to make out what he was saying. His muttering ended in a clear 'dissing fucker', he spun on his feet and pulled his hand from his jacket to display what looked like the wooden handle of a kitchen knife.

I turned back around and walked off.

WTF is going on?


  • AliAli
    edited 3:31PM
    Maybe you should tell the local cops and get him lifted http://www.met.police.uk/teams/haringey/stroudgreen/ 07884 117303
  • edited July 2009
    You were unlucky, some retard was looking for a fight because he's a tough guy. Hopefully the careers advice mentioned on the other current thread will get him back on the straight-and-narrow. Or he'll get stabbed by someone bigger than him soon enough.

    Hanley Road's a hole. Been pelted with stones from the flats along there, avoid the place.

    For future, I always take the kerb side route past people that look dodgy rather than trapping myself against a wall. It immediately puts you in a stronger position, they become disadvantaged and subjugated on a subconscious level. Plus you can leg it off down the road if they try anything.
  • AliAli
    edited 3:31PM
    Are you short or gay ? Seems like "dissing" means little fagot/gay Not very polite
  • edited 3:31PM
    Scary. You OK?
  • edited July 2009
    My friend G and I were invited to fight in very similar circumstances one day outside Tesco.

    He was a teeny, aggressive little weirdo who deliberately shoulder-barged G, then turned and followed us up the pavement towards Hanley, hissing that he didn't get treated like that and getting very personal. Very scary indeed.

    Street was crowded. Eventually I shouted for help and he walked off.

    The most frightening thing is that when he left we realised there were six of his mates a short way behind us waiting for the group action to start.

    Psychopath. Sounds like the same guy though this was a long time ago.
  • edited July 2009
    I'm fine.

    I'm not short. I'm 6' plus and I'm not gay, though I have been suspected as being so on more than several occasions.

    FYI... This little scrote was about 5'9" tops, about 20 years old give or take and had a crappy chin-strap beard. He was wearing a little beany hat and oversize headphones. I don't recall seeing him before but if I do again I'd certainly remember him.
  • RegReg
    edited 3:31PM
    I agree with Ali, call in the Feds. They'll probably recognise the description anyway.
  • edited 3:31PM
    Just reported this to Sgt. Cormican of the Tollington SNT.
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