Album graecum

No, you don't see so much of it these days, but I never thought I'd feel nostalgic for a type of dog shit. It's nasty, yeah, but at least it dried up and, to quote Clint Eastwood, would eventually "blow away in the wind".

Jesus, what's going on? Now we've got turds like horse droppings. Big things (usually with a hapless footprint) smeared halfway down the length of Stroud Green Road. There's more now than there ever was. Where's it all coming from?... Well, it's dog's arses, innit... but it's baffling. I never see anyone letting their dog "do" on the pavement, so when does it happen? It's like we're being invaded or sommink.

Is there a dedicated team to deal with this, or better still, shoot the careless dog owners with poisoned darts?


Angry from N4.


  • Great!

    "meet sexy women in your area" over a video of a man crapping on his own doorstep.

    Good ol' internet.
  • edited 12:01AM
    <a href="">bomb dogs</a>
  • edited 12:01AM
    I've noticed an increase too. On Woodstock Rd there's masses, great big smeary slews of it. It all looked the same, I thought it was one dog that maybe hadn't been let out for a while. Could be people going to the park with their dogs in the morning, maybe thinking oh well no one's looking.

    I noticed it because some of the kids going to school had to scrape their trainers against the wall before going in. Sad!

    Probably is a team to deal with it and a strategy. You can be fined for it after all, and usually comes out as local residents' number one priority normally, above knife crime, road traffic safety and the state of the borough's schools . Are there community wardens in Haringey/Islington? Could tip them off.
  • edited 12:01AM
    I've told a couple of guys to clean up after their dogs crapping in the middle of the pavement and got a mouthful of abuse in return.

    More often than not it's a staffie with a bad diet trailing after its disinterested owner. One badly fed dog can do a lot of crap.

    I now try the more sympathetic "I have spare bags if you've run out" which is a thousand times more effective. Passive aggressive civic behaviour has its place.

    In France, there are council motorbikes with giant super vacuum cleaners attached to the back and a couple of these bikes cruise around town hoovering up the shit.
  • edited 12:01AM
    et voila! Une caninette.

    <img src="" width=400>

    Est-ce que nous pouvons acheter une caninette, s'il vous plait?
  • IanIan
    edited 12:01AM
    I've always said, including to our councillors, that the smart car from Islington Council that sits at the end of my road trying to catch one in a thousand people turning right illegally from the junction should instead turn the camera round and catch people that allow their dogs to crap on the pavement. It would be much better for the area and probably raise more cash. I've also said that the person in the passenger seat of said Islington camera car would be better deployed with a bucket and a shovel going up the pavement getting rid of said than sitting there doing nothing. Or, as in one case I reported, having a kip.
  • edited 12:01AM
    The council should hire a team of people to walk around and check if dog owners are carrying baggies or other types of poop-collecting devices. If not, they should issue a hefty fine. Why wait for the dog to shit all over the pavement?
  • IanIan
    edited 12:01AM
    @poxy, it is tricky I reckon. That sort of thing is great, because it will clean the pavements, but it also takes the heat from the dog owners. "It is OK because they have this space buggy thing that makes the shit disappear which means I don't have to worry". But, frankly, we are so far from people properly caring that I will go for the space buggy.
  • edited 12:01AM
    But the poover only holds 25 litres, that's nothing, there's so much of it out there. If people know Poover's coming soon behind them there will just be more.
  • edited 12:01AM
    ...unless the poover can be emptied by switching to blow with the wand poking through the letterbox of someone guilty of allowing their beast to foul the pavement.

    I'd vote for that.
  • IanIan
    edited 12:01AM
    @poxy That's the kind of thing Thaler's Nudge type approach would recommend I reckon.
  • I've just read this entire thread eating a Snickers bar.
  • hsbhsb
    edited October 2009
    I agree that this problem seems to have become a lot worse of late. Why is that I wonder? I agree with Ian about the sleepy guys in the car making more use of the camera. What I don't get is the owners that don't clear up after their dogs are subjecting themselves to the sh*t run every time they leave the house. I guess they just don't give a sh*t. Sad.
  • edited 12:01AM
    It has always been bad for as long as I've lived here (6 years) but it's definitely getting worse. I walked straight through a large pile of it a few weeks ago. I was wearing flip flops. It was still warm. That has taught me not to walk and text at the same time.
  • edited 12:01AM
    Dog shit is now the least of our worries. There was a pile of elephant shit outside The Noble this morning.

    Worse still, someone hadn't noticed it and had taken a slide in it.

    Has anyone seen a stray elephant wandering around N4?
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