Every now and again I am woken by a dog the barks and barks and barks and barks and barks.

It starts around 5:30am and continues until I leave for work at 8:15am

it is not directly out side my room, but slightly in the distance. I bothers me on many levels, one being that it is much closer to others and they have yet to shout or complain.

I live on Tollington Park, and this is out the back of my flat, so it lives in either a Tollington park property or a Bimam Road property.

My question is: Am I allowed to shoot it?
or at least locate it and cut its tongue out?
I'm not sure of the etiquette, but it pisses me off no end and that's all that matters...

If you are aware of this problem, please help.

If you have any ideas of how to combat this problem, please help.

If this is your dog the SORT YOUR SHIT OUT!!!!

as you may be able to tell, I am slightly crabby today, as my f**king sleep has been disturbed by a horrible Yappin C**t of a dog...


  • edited 11:48AM
    Whoah there JungleFaceJake!
  • edited 11:48AM
    I like my sleep...

    And I hate people who can't control their pets..

    But yes, a few coffee's have helped me get over it a bit...
  • edited 11:48AM
    Just read the adverts in the left hand column.

    <i>(Stop) Dog Barking
    Wondering How? Try This Method. Easily Stop Any Dog at Any Age!

    Barking Student Storage
    Special Offer: Half Price Collection & Half Price Storage

    Buy A Bark Controller
    Control your dogs bark with a sonic bark controller only £19.95!

    Easily Stop A Dog Barking
    With These 4 Quick And Easy Tips Control Your Dog's Barking Problems</i>

    Barking students are a whole different kettle of fish.
  • edited 11:48AM
    I didn't notice that... ha.. fair play to those crafty internet advertising whores...
  • edited October 2009
    I wouldn't take it out on the dog. It's probably barking with good reason. Whether that's hunger, torment, neglect or wotnot. Locate the premises and threaten to burn the owners house down if they don't start handling the dog correctly. Far more reasonable and let's face it, if you kill the dog they'll probably just replace it and mistreat that one too. You'll be back to square one. I'm now curious. Do dogs need tongues to bark?
  • edited 11:48AM
    I don't know actually?

    I presumed they do, only based on the fact that humans are pretty silent when you cut their tongue out...

    I would say ask my previous next door neighbour, but that would be pointless.,
  • edited 11:48AM
    Choi Min-shik screamed a lot when he cut his own tongue off with a pair of scissors in Old Boy. I think you can still make noises, just not words and stuff. I just tried barking out load, I don't think I used my tongue.
  • edited 11:48AM
    But I do know that dogs can't look up!!!!?
  • edited 11:48AM
    They don't need tongues to bark. The intricacies of speech are facilitated by deft tongue control; a dog's tongue lolling out of the side of its mouth or flapping in the breeze from a car window does allow distinctive speech.
  • edited 11:48AM
    Faith, the bipedal dog, always looks up.
  • edited 11:48AM
    Nothing nicer than a bit of bullying on a Wednesday morning.
  • edited 11:48AM
    Dog was barking again this morning...

    But it stopped after about 5 mins, so maybe the owner muzzled it...

    Looks like I won't get the chance to harm it after all... I suppose thats for the best.
  • edited 11:48AM
    Its Back..

    I can't see where it is exactly...

    I am going to kill it....

    I am going to lace some dog food with poison and strategically place it in every garden behind my flat...

    That way I can't miss..

    It may kill a few Foxes and Hedgehogs as well, and maybe an over curious toddler or two, but it'll be worth it!!!

    I NEED SLEEP!!!!!!!
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