Hunting for a good brekkie...

edited November 2009 in Local discussion
Any recommendations for a great place for a breakfast, fried or otherwise? I've only been to the Rainbow Cafe so far....

Anywhere do a good vegetarian fried brekkie?

Many thanks!!


  • edited 1:17AM
    Arsenal Cafe on Blackstock Road. I went there this morning.
  • edited 1:17AM
    Front Room does great veggie breakfasts
  • Arianna's does a veggie fry-up. It's a bit economy (frozen hash browns, cheapo tinned beans) but definitely edible. The coffee is better than Front Room's.

    I haven't been there in a while. The last couple of times their wi-fi was down, and that was my only reason for going there.
  • edited November 2009
    The staff are so nice in Molens I never go anywhere else. The food i've had has always been top notch too.
  • edited 1:17AM
    <a href="">Cafe Lemon</a> on Green Lanes does <a href="">a great veggie fry</a>
  • LizLiz
    edited 1:17AM
    Am still mourning the Pick More Daisies veggie sad. Second the front room, plus Mari and Monti also do a pretty good breakfast. Over the hill, try the World Cafe on the Crouch End bit of Crouch Hill.
  • edited 1:17AM
    Mari & Monti do quite a good omelette and chips. Again, good with a lemonade for hangovers.
  • edited 1:17AM
    Is there really such a thing as a good veggie fry-up?
  • edited 1:17AM
    If Mari & Monti just wandered over the road and bought their sausages/bacon from the butcher instead of the cheap crap they serve ... they would be a breakfast beacon of light!

    Sadly it's all cheap ingredients ... and so I'd rather eat cheap ingredients and pay cheap prices at Sunshine.
  • edited 1:17AM
    I need a bacon buttie.

    It must have good quality bacon with no fat, in crusty brown (preferably granary) bread and authentic HP sauce. A semi-runny fried egg would be a most welcome bonus. I can think of nowhere in SG or CE that can fulfill my piggy desires.

    Any suggestions?
  • edited 1:17AM
    Erm, cook it yourself?
  • edited 1:17AM
    Sorry, I'll be more helpful:

    Take 10 rashers of streaky bacon, rindless, and grill on a flat tray until golden. Once bacon is grilling, warm a small frying pan, then drizzle a few drops of oil and a small teaspoon of butter. Be careful not to get pan too hot, otherwise egg will splatter and burn. Crack egg as close as possible to base of pan and slowly empty shell.

    Place bacon on crusty brown bread or bap, then egg onto bacon, and add HP sauce as required. Do not place other slice of bread or bap on until ready to eat, then place on top and break yolk.

    Serves 2
  • edited 1:17AM
    Two people sharing an egg and bacon butty?

  • edited 1:17AM
    Mr Sax: I know perfectly well how to cook. A bacon buttie I can cook hungover with one arm tied behind my back. However, if I'm out and about and I feel the need for pig I'm a little stuck. I tend not to carry around with me a primus stove and all the ingredients, just on the off-chance.

    What I'm looking for is someone offering the service of preparing for me a quality bacon buttie and then selling it to me for a reasonable price. As I said, there is nowhere in SG or CE that I know of who is able to offer such a service.
  • edited 1:17AM
    For a standard reference, do you know of such a service in London?
  • edited 1:17AM
    Yup. The caff in Great Portland Street tube station.
  • edited 1:17AM
    Anyway. Can I recommend the breakfast at Garufa, doesn't do the mythical great bacon buttie, but does do a fine 150g steak, along with the full English/Argentinian
  • edited November 2009
    We go to _Mari e Monti_ - it's decent but more importantly it's close. Also, we recently spotted a place on Blackstock Road called _Maria e Munti_. Cheeky!
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