Parking fine in Lancaster Road

edited December 2009 in Local discussion
On Saturday 14th November a friend parked outside my house. I did not give her one of my visitor's parking tickets because a notice in Stapleton Hall Road stated: No parking restrictions in this area today. Although no ticket was left on her windscreen (if it had been we could have photographed the notice as evidence) but she has just received a £100 fine. I had already checked the Arsenal website and there was no match on 14th. Can anyone throw any light on this for us before we appeal? Thanks.


  • edited 4:50PM
    Challenge it. Provide proof of your address, a photo of the sign and and your parking vouchers, has worked for me in the past. Good luck.
  • Isn't Lancaster Road routinely restricted parking on Saturdays up to 6.30 - whether or not Arsenal is playing?
  • valval
    edited 4:50PM
    taff bach and krappyrubsnif - thank you both for your advice and good wishes. Unfortunately, krappy is right, I have now discovered, but I will also take your advice, taff bach, and appeal to their kindness and understanding! All the best to you both.
  • Good luck Val - kindness and understanding are two words I would never ever use to describe dealings with the parking office of any of the local councils! Let us know if there is a Christmas miracle though!
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