Trident replacement

Did anyone hear Des Browne MP on Today this morning? Astonishing chop logic - he presents himself as a champion of multi-lateral nuclear disarmament. Yet he supports replacing Trident -
probably the best way of at present of persuading other countries that getting nuclear weapons, or upgrading current arsenals, is OK.
Have a listen, especially to the bit at the end about Trident:
Go to
and click on 8.31 to hear the five-minute interview.


  • edited 11:48PM
    Did he mention Stroud Green?
  • IanIan
    edited 11:48PM
    National politics with absolutely no relevance to Stroud Green doesn't have a category on this site for very very good reasons ... Away with this thread I say.
  • edited 11:48PM
    No he didn't mention Stroud Green, oddly -

    Seriously, I didn't realise the site was only for local issues, so apologies if I've breached the guidelines. It was just something I wanted to get off my chest and wondered if anyone agreed.

    Now, about that Trident missile I saw being towed down Stroud Green Road...
  • edited 11:48PM
    Actually there is a local angle.

    Ages ago there used to be lots of talk about the 'nuclear train' that went along the Gospel Oak-Barking line (or round the North London line somewhere) at dead of night, carrying tons and tons of top secret radioactive material. Whether it was supposed to be carrying nuclear waste or missiles or weapons-grade plutonium or what I can't recall but I think the existence of this train became public knowledge.

    Anyway, I can attest to an incredibly loud and slow freight train that used to rumble through a distant part of Stroud Green (presumably past Crouch Hill and Green Lanes) at around three in the morning on a regular basis. I always assumed that was the train. I lived near the railway off Scarborough Road at the time but I've moved since.

    Urban myth? Does it still happen?
  • edited 11:48PM
    yes I remember this and it was true, not an urban myth - see
    - no reason to think it's not still happening I guess -
  • edited 11:48PM
    I saw one of those trains pass by a few years ago. Weird contrast between the rather prosaic nature of Crouch Hill station and the way I've seen similar trains on TV and in films, usually just before an explosion.
  • edited 11:48PM
    Interesting digression on our little suburban death train, but I'm not sure anyone has ever said posts must be exclusively about Stroud Green. However, if you want to post other stuff, please do use the categories. I'd suggest this is "general chat" but I'd also suggest that general 'well I never" posts on national politics haven't historically done that well on the site.
  • edited 11:48PM
    If the death train blew up at Crouch Hill Station, I reckon that would definitely qualify as more than 'general chat'.
  • AliAli
    edited 11:48PM
    There is something about the Trains on the Greenpeace web site but it is 3.5 Years old. It seems that they don't go down past Crouch Hill maybe becasue the line can't take the weight althought it is being upgraded.
  • edited 11:48PM
    <em>If the death train blew up at Crouch Hill Station...</em>

    Sounds like the strap line for a new Simon Pegg movie.
  • edited 11:48PM
    The storyline would be that two p****d-up old chums are on the way by Overground train for a drink at the Beaconsfield in Green Lanes when the death train comes past and blows up and........(add hilarious consequences, ghouls, loony death guards etc).

    Would need to get the Noble in there somewhere.
  • AliAli
    edited 11:48PM
    WLM for the extras
  • edited 11:48PM
    I wonder which pizza outlet the train drivers prefer?
  • edited 11:48PM
    Ali - what does "WLM" mean?
  • edited 11:48PM
    White Lion Of Mortimer.

    Now there's an interesting business idea...
  • edited 11:48PM
    This is interesting because I have been looking into this issue recently in my capacity of Green Party candidate for Stroud Green. I have been in touch with Network Rail because residents on Connaught Road had asked me to find out if the nuclear train went behind the house. As far as I could tell from my research, it doesn't. When I asked them whether the tracks were being developed so it could be transported along that route they said no - but I am not satisfied that was a well-informed answer! Whatever is the case - and I will continue to monitor this, obviously - it is clearly crazy that nuclear waste is transported through residential areas. A great opportunity for terrorists - the consequences of which don't bear thinking about.
  • edited 11:48PM
    hello. are you Mr Scope or Mrs Cope?
  • IanIan
    edited 11:48PM
    @Andy, or even a Mr S Cope? However, a quick search unearths one [Sarah Cope](
  • edited 11:48PM
    Do you have a small child called Micro Scope?
  • AliAli
    edited 11:48PM
    If your concerned about Freight Trains on the Gospel Oak line these people can tell you what is going on: If you look at this it tells you which pubs to go to beside the Railway line etc. Do we have any members of this organisation out there ? This is also interesting This tells more about what Network Rail are doing. Getting rid of the Haringey signal box located alongside the railway line between Stapleton Hall and Oakfield roads
  • edited 11:48PM
    Bloody hell David I thought that new gizmo was supposed to sort posts like that out.
  • edited 11:48PM
    [History of the GOBLIN line]( link corrected: I think I may have forgotten to renew this year as I've stopped getting their emailed newsletters....
  • edited 11:48PM
    Nuclear disarmament is a really nice idea, but it's never going to happen. And with the likes of Pakistan having got them, do we really want to be the guy at the party who poured his champagne down the sink?
  • edited 11:48PM
    If some of the once residents of Pakistan are not there where could they be ? Are we at war for not finding weapons of mass destruction surely this is it?

    The only way to get Network Rail address is to litigate for compensation Islington was once a Nuclear Free Zone because of this . The meter Ihad because a glass lampshade fell onto the toilet registered earthquake proportions & broke .

    The cargo is too heavy the train too fast for 4.30 am & our foundations not deep enough. Even Holly Park was complaining?!Someone I know in Hampstead's bed had collapsed . They used to have a series of differing routes when going got tough.It was a well known fact.
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