New cocktail bar on SGR

edited January 2010 in Local discussion
Anyone noticed that a new cocktail bar has appeard at the top of SGR opposite the doctors, right by the 'fiveways' junction? I think it's appeared from nowhere - they had a sandwich board outside last night with 'all drinks £2.50' on it, which is a source of considerable excitement to me. I'll pop in tonight.



  • edited 8:55PM
    Where? Next to where?
  • edited 8:55PM
    SGR, in one of the units between the Sunshine cafe and 'fiveways'*, by which I mean the junction of SGR, Hanley, Mount Pleasant Crescent, Stapleton Hall and Crouch hill. Opposite Woodies and SG Medical Clinic.

    *I came across the junction being referred to as 'fiveways' by someone on here and figured it was/should be common parlance.

  • edited 8:55PM
    isn't that WKD?
  • edited 8:55PM
    That part of the street (opposite Woodys) goes: Mind Shop > X-it > Shop4Less>Funny little fabric shop > Sunshine Cafe I haven't seen a cocktail bar there. Can someone take a photo?
  • edited 8:55PM
    It wasn't there even a few days ago, and I reckon the sign went up yesterday. I can't remember exactly, but from memory I'd say it's replaced Shop for Less. I'm pretty sure X-It was still there. I hope so anyway, it has cool trinkets.

  • edited 8:55PM
    It wasn't called K7, by any chance?
  • edited 8:55PM
    That was my first thought Marquis. It is called Fiveways, I meant more specifically where.
  • edited 8:55PM
    K7, that's the one. Is this when you tell me it's always been there?
  • edited 8:55PM
    Is that Karmenz?
  • edited 8:55PM
    aka karmenz....?
  • edited 8:55PM
    Which is supposed to have been shut by the licensing authorities, no?
  • edited 8:55PM
    What's the story?
  • edited 8:55PM
    You can read all about it here.
    not working.
  • edited 8:55PM
    It was closed again tonight when I went past. I see it's called K1 now. Wish I'd tried the advertised cocktails when I had the chance, though I found the other threads about the place, they sound like a bad lot.
  • It's K1 indeed and it's meant to be open every night but they can't seem to decide what nights of the week. I would say from experience of living above the premises that I don't mind if they don't continue, it might be called K1 now but it's still owned by Karmen and two weekends ago I was kept awake until 5am by another illegal party. I wouldn't worry about the cocktails either, you are not missing out! The Sugar Lounge seems pretty busy and WKD in its new guise is open just up the road (used to be a kebab/restaurant) near the Dairy.
  • edited 8:55PM
    WKD... is that on the corner of Japan Crescent? What's that like?
  • edited 8:55PM
    @northlondonlass @ Arkady

    The alcohol license for K1 / Karmenz was suspended by Haringey for persistnent public nuisance and noise - 28 separate incidents in '09 -this happened before Christmas and is still in effect. They open to take a bit of cash but presumably can't be bothered to run it as a restaurant On the other thread about Karmenz I posted e-mail addy for the council were you can send complaints about new incidents as there will be a meeting to review this in Fev - licensing committee are keen to revoke the license altogether - they can sell food etc. but no drinks. Karmen is a tenant, the actual owner also runs WKD which is causing same probs. for Japan Crescent residents and Islington. [ he's a pest and all his businesses, Triangle, Yamina's and the were run irresponsibly - WKD being newest - although this was original name for Triangle]
  • edited 8:55PM
    They once wouldn't let me in because I was drunkenly singing a song about Sheffield United in the street. I don't even support Sheffield United.
  • edited 8:55PM
    What was/is Yamina?
  • edited 8:55PM
    Yamina was a Moroccan restaurant, then it became a sort of West Indian bar/restaurant and I don't really know what it is now other than an illicit drinking den for black people.
  • edited 8:55PM
    Ah, so, the same place as this.
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