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My letter to a hero of mine

edited November 2006 in General chat
I mentioned that I'd written a letter to this guy: <>; My letter and their response below. I never heard anything from the man. ---- Dear Gordon, As I'm sure you already know, I am big fan of yours and have been reading your website avidly. It's always exciting to read the biographies of your heroes, so I have been very excited to read about your early life on your website. However, there was one thing that I wondered if you could clear up for me. You say you have 3 brothers and 3 sisters, making you a seventh son. You wrote that your father was also a seventh son. In these feminist times, it's good that we can count daughters as sons. In the more male-dominated societies of the past, they would have insisted that you had 6 brothers in order to be a seventh son. My question was whether your father, living in earlier, less enlightened times, had six brothers or a mix of brothers and sisters? I'm sorry to bother you with this, only I don't know who else to ask and I think it's important to know the rules in situations like these. I've sent this enquiry to your publishers in the hope that it reaches you. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your new book! Yours, Andy --------- Hi Andy, Thank you for your e-mail. It will be forwarded onto Gordon on your behalf. Please note, however, he receives a vast amount of e-mails everyday so there may be a delay in answering if he does. Best wishes Frankie Hay House Publishers


  • edited 5:58PM
    I followed up your query; thus:

    'Born to Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Davis on 6th July 1962, in the Gorbals, Glasgow, Gordon is the proverbial seventh son of a seventh son, he has 3 sisters (one of whom died before he was born) and 3 brothers. Gordon has two sons Paul aged 24 and Steven aged 21. He lives next to a Loch on the west coast of his beloved Scotland.'

    The above does not seem to make sense. Are there three brothers that Gordon has forgotten about? Also, you do not mention if Gordon's three brothers are all older than him. I'm sure they must be.

    Is there any likelihood that Gordon is going to sire another five sons? That would be neat!

    I wouldn't want Gordon to deceive the world in any way, could you perhaps clear up this pressing question?



    I expect Gordon will have sensed these questions, and anticipate an immediate response.

  • edited 5:58PM
    Nice one. Anyone else want to write to the Psychic Barber?
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