Los Guadales



  • edited 12:18AM
    Finnis was my tutor so I was largely brainwashed my his arguments and don't understand legal positivism.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Home were selling the very same thing - it was more of a bubble than a bag mind.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Exploiting people is harming them, therefore is morally bankrupt yes.

    I got an offer from St Edmund Hall, but didn’t get the grades in the end so went to Durham for my undergrad. This was probably for the best. Without exaggeration all the other people in the JCR waiting to be interviewed were card carrying Tories, whereas I was wearing a Rosa Luxembourg badge.
  • edited 12:18AM
    That was just across the road. Teddy Hall, they called it. I had an EE offer because they still had an entrance exam in those days. (I did get straight As though).

    Yes, there were loads of bigoted Tories. Eton Tories as well. I remember on the first day, some twat introduced himself to me "My name's Wolf. James Wolf. Dulwich College." It might not have been James.

    Plenty of annoyingly PC liberals as well. They banned The Sun from the JCR.

    I spent most of my time there getting stoned and staying up all night to write essays.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Wadham College had a reputation for being particularly left wing. I went to a party there once. It seemed alright except for all the fucking student types with their moronic banter and upper middle-class perspectives.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Chip on your shoulder much?
  • edited 12:18AM
    Yes. I've been a student, I've taught students, and, in general, I hate them.
  • edited 12:18AM
    I don't like you much either.

    You can stick your banning stick up your arse.
  • edited February 2010
    Slabber's contributions to date: A Narrative *Everyone's an arse!* *This is rubbish!* *I'm funny troll!* *Not really, look at my CV!* *I went to Oxford, my tutor wrote a book!* *Please love me!* *I hate you* *You're all rubbish* It's just about the most emotionally needy display I've ever seen. After calling everything rubbish, you switch to stories about how clever you are for going to Oxford but not being a toff or a lefty but a cool loner. Seriously, you post about the grades you were offered to go to university? Seriously? Are you Rod Liddle? Would you like a hug?
  • edited 12:18AM
    He was responding to my question. You might be overreacting a tad.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Perhaps. It's the only tool I have left. Subtlety doesn't seem to have got me very far.
  • edited February 2010
    Someone asked me what university I went to and we had a dialogue about it. What do you expect me to say? Shall I lie and pretend I went to Hull University? Yes, I'm a straight A student. So are loads of people. In fact, if you go to a private school, you get so well trained that it's quite hard not to. I got a 2.1. Whoopeefuckingdo. Yes, I'm a lawyer, a barrister, not in practice. So fucking what?

    By the way, a two E offer used to be standard practice for an Oxford offer. I think it must have changed now since they scrapped the formal exam. Arkady said they didn't get the grades so I assume the system has changed to conditional offers. That's why I mentioned it, as if that wasn't obvious.

    Are you one of those mods who thinks their little piece of the internet is their fiefdom? I'm an admin on another forum. I only ever delete people if they're really fucking stupid or racist or something. Or I redirect their IP to www.meatspin.com
  • edited 12:18AM
    And I think Rod Liddle is sometimes quite funny. He did a nice piece about John Terry at the weekend.
  • edited 12:18AM
    If you're not having your hug, Slabber, can I have it?

    On second thoughts, maybe not.
  • edited 12:18AM
    And politically I'm on the liberal left.

    And I think you're a cock.
  • edited 12:18AM
    That wasn't aimed at you krapyurbsnif. I don't think you're a cock. I haven't read enough of your posts to have formed an opinion.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Bless your heart. I think you do need that hug.
  • edited 12:18AM
    I think you need to stop being a cock.
  • edited 12:18AM
    And spend some time at www.meatspin.com
  • edited 12:18AM
    Three quick points: - You've been neither banned nor edited? So it's hardly a dictatorship. - 9 times out of 10 Rod Liddle is a fool on a wind-up and best ignored - We are lucky to have lots of very clever, well educated people on this forum. By far the cleverest talks ONLY about ice-cream and birds.
  • edited 12:18AM
    You did allude to banning me when I suggested two threads should be merged.

    You seem to have some issue with cleverness. I don't have a problem with other people being cleverer than me. In fact, I Iike people who are cleverer than me. I'm not sure what your point is. Do you think I think I'm cleverer than everyone else because someone asked what university I went to and I told them the answer? Or because on reading the forum from scratch I bumped a few old threads, some of which were with witty or not-so-witty one liners? Shall we have a who's the cleverest competition? I'm pretty good on sport, geography, politics, current affairs, law, and grammar and that's about it.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Is this your forum Slabber? <http://www.surgicalaplomb.com/>; If so, it's utterly charming.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Yes. We've got a religious theme at the moment, but we change the theme about once a month.
  • edited 12:18AM
    In my experience of Durham types, they tend to be far more rightwing and Oxbridge-cliche than actual Oxbridge types, but I'm prepared to accept that I was just unlucky in which Durhamites I've met.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Durham has a bit of a reputation in that respect. A lot of Oxford students are just geeks.
  • edited 12:18AM
    My impression of Durham was that is was quite sharply divided between the bailey colleges, which tend to be populated by publicly educated Oxford rejects with far more of a hooray-henry image than the folks I know who went to Oxford (the latter were/are mostly highly-functioning stoners), and the hill colleges, which were much more balanced in their student population. The collegiate system seemed to create a sort of institutional identity for each college which exaggerated their best and worst features. Watching the rowing or rugby teams from the bailey out on the lash was one of the most distasteful things I’ve ever witnessed. And Durham Union Society has some of the most vile crypto-fascists imaginable. Beautiful city, though. However for some reason I don’t feel that inclined to visit, not for a while anyway. Though it has only been, what, six years since I graduated.
  • edited 12:18AM
    Which has made me think… I’m finishing my MSc at Birkbeck at the moment part time. When I commenced the course I’d say that around a third of the intake were the right-wing posho types suggested above, and I was interested to note that nearly all of them dropped out by the end of the first term. I’ve a folk theory that a private education helps people to learn by rote and pass exams, but once they have to operate critically at a post-graduate level they tend to struggle and not be able to cope unless they have strong natural ability – in terms of educational achievement the private school advantage only goes so far. I’ve seen one or two people having private ephiphanies in seminars when they realise that for all their bravado their opinions don’t hold up to scrutiny in the eyes of people who are evidently smarter than them, and usually they don’t come back.
    This may be completely self-serving of me of course. The teenage class-warrior never entirely let go.
  • edited 12:18AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 12:18AM
    He started it.
  • edited 12:18AM
    I resemble that remark.
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