How green is Tesco

edited February 2010 in Local discussion

How green is Tesco? Are they pumping out gallons of global warming gases as this report suggests? Shall we write a letter?

From millions of local actions, real change can occur.


  • edited 2:16PM
    Not very green?
  • is it Lime?

    Is there a prize?
  • edited 2:16PM
    you only have to look at all the unnecessary plastic packaging on everything to know they are not at all green, and the fact that they air freight most of their fruit and veg even when it is in season in the UK
  • AliAli
    edited 2:16PM
    Though Jimmy explained that in quite a balanced way when you take the end to end into account for those in Africa who are now dependant on this. I do wonder why frozen is not a prevalent as it used to be.
  • edited 2:16PM
    Is it Eau de Nil? Surely that wins the prize.

    Rather than write letters you could just email Terry Leahy the CEO of Tesco, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear our concerns. I got an immediate response from one of the other bigwigs last time I mailed him with a complaint -
  • edited February 2010
    Er, according to that, they're the second greenest supermarket, which doesn't sound too bad. Although their use of wind catchers for new stores is nonsense.

    There's a government target of on-site renewable energy generation which is currently at 10% for new developments, this is gradually going up and will be 100% or near enough relatively soon, so all new stores will have to be green.

    Oh and personally have nothing against air-freighed food if its fair-trade.
  • IanIan
    edited 2:16PM
    Ali - I think it stands up on full enegy cost given the small proportion air energy is compared to energy used in production (and it is comparable with in country movement of produced goods because of volume). So even before you take into account economic development arguments it's a balanced argument. Some good academic work on this. Not clear cut at all that air freight=bad.
  • edited 2:16PM
    I wouldn't mind how big their carbon footprint is if the queues were shorter. But if they're going to be shit, they may as well be shit and green.
  • Is it Boring % green?
  • edited 2:16PM
    Is that by Farrow and Ball?
  • Indeed it is... I have painted my folding bike that very colour.
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