


  • edited 10:33AM
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  • edited 10:33AM
    I think JungleFaceJake might, on occassion, hang out with The Northern Heights
  • edited February 2010
    Surely the reason there are not more vegetarian restaurants is that people like to eat meat. ie. I've never eaten in Jai Krishna because I like meat in my curry, especially if I'm paying to eat out. I've never tried Nando's despite being more than open to the concept of spicy chicken (including a guilty love of KFC hot wings). I almost went in there one lunchtime with a hangover, before deciding a pizza and a beer at La Porchetta would be much more rewarding. Speaking of which, what is this rumour of a Porchetta makeover. Part of me has been agitating for it to at least be painted and get the breeze blocks sorted for years, but I fear that I should be careful what I wish for.
  • edited 10:33AM
    Some sort of refurb was going on at the Porchetta last night when I walked past.
  • edited 10:33AM
    I checked the sign in the window, it says La Porchetta closed for six weeks for refurbishment and looks forward to welcoming people back after this. Six weeks seems a mighty long time to paint and cover those breeze blocks - mind you it would be funny if it just reopened with some shiny new furniture and still the old paint job and breeze blocks.
  • edited 10:33AM
    JK, on the other hand, have a sign saying it would only take them a week and they'd be reopening Monday, but work is still clearly underway, so maybe LP has just learned from their optimism.
  • AliAli
    edited 10:33AM
    Sounds like an Italian Project Plan to me ! I wonder if Medi and co will be standing outside LaP redirecting customers to his restaurant ?
  • edited 10:33AM
    JK was open last night when I walked past.
  • edited 10:33AM
    When was this? I went past a bit before 6, maybe they were just putting the finishing touches to it...
  • edited 10:33AM
    it was about 7.45 and there were about six customers in there.
  • edited 10:33AM
    I walked past at about 7.15pm and there was nobody in there.
  • edited 10:33AM
    I do love Nando's. Of course it has it's place. I remember when the SGR branch opened, around the same time Pappagone's opened, some time in 1999. Those were the days!
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