Book club session 2 - March 22nd



  • edited 3:54PM
    I've got the book! I'm going to start reading it tonight!
  • edited 3:54PM
    Thanks for finding the notes Annie - I'd offered to but hadn't got round to it! Hope you all enjoy the book - am a bit nervous having suggested it. Am going to re-read it soon so it's fresh in my mind.
  • edited 3:54PM
    Finished the book! The first few pages were hardgoing but got past them and I couldn't put it down! Really looking forward to the discussion and thanks for the suggestion Salsa :)
  • edited 3:54PM
    Hello All

    A bit late feeding back but I really enjoyed the inaugural meeting of the book club a few weeks ago.

    Those who were there probably remember I was pregnant. Last Friday I had a baby boy, Theo, a week late. He was 11lb 1oz - in other words a whopper - so it wasn't an easy birth but we're both home and well now.

    I have the new book on order and I'm looking forward to the next meeting.
  • LizLiz
    edited 3:54PM
    Congratulations Jenny! And 11lb 1oz - blimey! We'll have to have a toast to that next time.
  • edited 3:54PM
    Congratulations Jenny, we'll definitely raise a glass to the new arrival.
  • edited 3:54PM
    Congratulations Jenny! I was just wondering the other day if you'd had your baby, thanks for updating us! Hope you have time to read the book, at least it's any easy read.
    Glad you enjoyed it Donna - I felt the same at first and then got hooked too.
  • edited 3:54PM
    blimey, well done jenny! i'm looking forward to the next meeting too. i was waiting to read the book because i didn't want to finish it too early then forget it all, but also didn't want to risk not finishing it in time. it's even shorter than it looks though because of all the extra spacing. i like it a lot so far.
  • edited 3:54PM
    Congratulations Jenny!

    I got the book for a bargain price of 79p in Oxfam! Just started the book and the characters are very interesting.

    Looking forward to the 22nd March!
  • edited 3:54PM
    Congrats Jenny! You must be so happy and excited! That's a good point Sophie, I really hope I don't forget it all.
  • edited 3:54PM
    Congratulations Jenny, that's terrific news!

    Looking forward to meeting everyone again on 22nd!
  • edited 3:54PM
    Congrats Jenny! That's amazing news.

    @sophie I have only just ordered the book as I didn't want to finish it too fast and then forget it too! Also worrying I won't be able to finish it in time but luckily I have a long commute :-)
  • edited 3:54PM
    Thanks to everyone for the congratulations. Theo is doing well but keeping me awake all night. Every time I try to read something I fall asleep (and that's no reflection on the book) but I'll do my best for the next meeting :)
  • edited 3:54PM
    Great well see you all on Monday! I imagine it should be easy to spot where you will be as most should have the book out in full view? Becky
  • edited 3:54PM
    I'm enjoying the book - it reminds me of '84 Charing Cross Road' by Helene Hanff, particularly in composition. I'd recommend this to anyone who has enjoyed Gurnsey... It's a lovely true story and very short, even by our standards!
  • edited 3:54PM
    Looking forward to Monday :)
  • edited 3:54PM
    Thanks for the recommendation Jenny, I've been meaning to read that for a while so will make sure I do!

    And yes, looking forward to Monday. Olddairy, did you book us the area the other book club were in last time or will we be in the back restaurant area again?

    See you all there with our books!
  • edited 3:54PM
    Darn it! I have a late meeting tomorrow and won't be able to come. I've left the notes that I mentioned earlier with the lovely folks at the Old Dairy.

    Really enjoyed the book, thanks Salsa, and was looking forward to seeing you all again and to discussing it. I'll be there for the next one.
  • edited 3:54PM
    That's a shame Annie - but thanks for leaving the notes. Glad you enjoyed the book too.
  • edited 3:54PM
    I couldn't make it for Untouchable, so this'll be my first time at book club. Er, how do I recognise you? Is there a secret handshake?
  • edited 3:54PM
    Don't be afraid, everyone is lovely. I asked the chaps at the bar where everyone was last time. Wish I was going.
  • LizLiz
    edited March 2010
    Sorry to have missed tonight - would be interested to know what everyone made of the book though, having now read it twice! Anyone fancy summarising?
  • edited 3:54PM
    Hi Liz,
    Was wondering what you thought second time round! I liked it just as much.
    So I think there were 12 of us there - 3 new from last time - and just to set the scene, we were in the restaurant part again as there was yet another book group in the front again!
    In summary, I'd say everyone enjoyed the book but, as expected, some more than others. We all liked the way it was written in letters, although it took most of us a little while to get used to them. We talked quite a bit about Guernsey and what it must have been like during the war and whether we thought the book was realistic. Some people commented on the characters being very black and white, good and bad etc. Even though it was quite a simple, easy read, there were still a few twists that surprised us and it wasn't as predictable as the style could have led it to be.

    Anyway, Hannah is going to post details of the next book and the meeting is April 26th.
  • edited 3:54PM
    Well, it was my first time at the bookclub and once I'd found you all I had a great time. Looking forward to the April meet up.
  • edited 3:54PM
    New to the site and I really wanted to come along last night but haven't been to well. From the summary it sounds like my own views were pretty weel represented. really enjoyed it and looking forward to the next choice and hopefully I will make it this time:-)
  • LizLiz
    edited 3:54PM
    @ Salsa - thanks for the update. It bore a second reading remarkably well, I thought, but then I did enjoy it a lot the first time. Looking forward to getting details of the next session.
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