New Victoria Line train

edited February 2010 in Local discussion
Has anyone been on the new victioria linetrain. I did a few months ago, but it was amazing. NOt since though


  • CatCat
    edited 2:34PM
    I've been on it a couple of times. I think there's now a couple of them out and about.
  • edited 2:34PM
    They are rolling them out at a rate of one every two weeks throughout 2010, at the end of which the 1967 stock will be retired. There's been one running the last southbound every day since July last year.
  • edited December 2017
  • edited 2:34PM
    Last train seems an odd place to deploy shiny new stock, what with it being surely the most likely time to get drunks vomming &c.
  • I was delayed on the Victoria line the other week because there were "too many trains on the line" which were apparently causing the power to cut out. I really enjoyed sitting in pitch darkness in a stifling Harold Wilson-era tin can when I should have been at work. I'll miss the old trains.
  • edited 2:34PM
    Mrs. L has been on one a couple of weeks ago around 10:30am on a weekday (why wasn't she at work I'm asking myself).

    She says the new trains have 'the voice' but now it tells you which side the doors will open.

    Oh and she says they have a different patterned fabric. Don't know if she means different good, or just 'different'.
  • edited 2:34PM
    > CommentAuthorADGS CommentTime1 day ago
    Last train seems an odd place to deploy shiny new stock, what with it being surely the most likely time to get drunks vomming &c.

    Nah - they're worried that new rolling stock will break down / have problems. So they run it last so any breakdown doesn't cause delays for trains following on. (well, unless its a *really bad* breakdown).
  • edited 2:34PM
    I'm 1967 stock - can I retire?
  • edited February 2010
    I asked the lovely old fellah who works on the southbound Vic platform at FP most mornings. Apparently it also runs for a few hours in the daytime too - he was uite specific actually, the first one is at 10:17 (at FP I huess). He said they are still ironing out some issues so the roll-out is delayed.
    More standing, less seats, fold-out seats like on the Central, slightly wider carriages, digital displays, etc.
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  • edited 2:34PM
    Misscara, perhaps you're thinking of the Northern Line:
  • @katiejane, probably what you need is a refurbishment :-)
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  • edited 2:34PM
    Isn't he just. Always has a smile and a nod for you, and some of the most charming and thoughtful announcements. His cheer cuts through even the grimmest hangover.
  • edited 2:34PM
    @ Arky It's either fewer seats, or less seating.
  • edited 2:34PM
    Thank you Tosscat. x
  • edited 2:34PM
    Got on at Pimlico and - low and behold - it was a new train. I wasn't paying attention, so only noticed because the doors made an unfamiliar beep. I got on right at the front, and there were a couple of 'spare' drivers in the carriage being trained. Pros: 1) Much better lighting 2) More leg space in the aisle 3) More space in the standing area (due to slightly fewer seats and a thinner shell) 4) Digital displays 5) Enormous double-doors throughout - no single doors. 6) Much faster acceleration and breaking 7) Much, much quieter. Sounds more like the DLR. Cons: 1) I reckon the seats are harder. I would have thought that in the last forty years we would have cracked a balanced combination of comfort and durability, but apparently not. 2) I should mention fewer seats, though I'd happily suffer a slightly reduced chance of a seat for more space in rush hour. Arky
  • edited 2:34PM
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  • edited 2:34PM
    Possibly. I'd say there are less 'pinch points' though, and the aisles are wider without being able to cram in two people where there was once one, so it should be a touch easier. Arky
  • edited 2:34PM
    I haven't been on one yet. Do they still have the rubbish suspension in the seats which creates the bouncing effect when someone sits down too heavily in the next seat?

    I was on a late train at the weekend and a little mouse was having a wild old time diving down the back of the seats looking for treasure.
  • edited 2:34PM
    No, the seats are much more robust. Less forgiving on the arse-cheeks though.
  • edited 2:34PM
    Well I have in built upholstery in that region so should be ok ;-)
  • edited 2:34PM
    re misscara and arkady..

    i've genuinely thought about writing to TFL to say how brilliant mr southbound is. he's always got a smile, is ready for a chat, can whistle a good tune and makes arriving at the tube almost bearable.

    obviously i haven't actually got round to doing it, but thought v seriously about it...
  • edited 2:34PM
    Perhaps we should put together a collective letter on behalf of That might have more impact than an individual note(s). Unless there are any objections I will draft something for wider approval. Arky
  • edited 2:34PM
    Despite being on the Southbound Victoria pretty much every day for nearly three years, I have no idea who you all mean. I hear pretty much no outside noise whatsoever 30seconds after closing the front door and 30seconds before I beep into my office. I love my shure headphones.

    Looking forward to the new trains as the only real noise I sometimes do hear is the current train at full pelt.
  • edited 2:34PM
    Unless you change from the overland it would be hard to miss the old fellah with the peaked cap who 'looks after' the southbound platform most mornings. He stands between the rail and the track and greets everyone who arrives, gives excellent advice and amusing announcements, and as noted is also a mean whistler. Arky
  • edited 2:34PM
    I think that collective letter is a splendid idea.
  • edited 2:34PM
    Does anyone recall his name? If not I'll check tomorrow. A
  • edited 2:34PM
    I may have to walk to FP tomorrow rather than get the overland just to find out more...
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